The Whispers

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I had been walking for, what felt like, days. I started to hear voices in my head... I thought I was going crazy. I had never been alone for this long. As I walked, I thought of the old memories I had when I was just a pup. I can still remember the sweet, soothing, voice of my old owner, Jezebel. Jezebel and I were going over seas to visit her father. Our ship crashed. I, luckily, was able to swim to the nearest island. Once I got there, I howled as loud as I could, looking for Jezebel. After several months on the island, a saw a ship in the distance. I barked, trying to get their attention. The ship heard me, and The Skins on the ship were kind enough to take me to where I am now — America. This was my first time setting paw in the US. Jezebel and I were both born and raised in France. Though, I quickly learned how to understand the language of America...
I quickly snapped out of my puppy day dreams as I heard a twig break behind me! Is someone following? I turned around, looking for anything suspicious. After not seeing anything, I turned back around to face forward, once again. Ahead of me I saw a lake. I remember this lake from when I was a pup... I used to sleep here, once the ship had brought me to America.
I believe it was called Terry Lake — named after Terry Hill, the founder of Hill City.

After several more hours of walking — trying to find... paradise — I heard another twig crack. Was I going crazy? It must be my imagination, right? I had never felt like this before. For the first time in forever, I felt... fear. The only time I had ever felt like this before is when I lost Jezebel. Before, when I was still with her, I could feel whatever I wanted to. My emotions were free. Things are starting to finally come back to me.
As I cleared my thoughts, I looked behind me once again, to see if anybody was fallowing me.
I heard another twig crack, but it was in a different spot. I quickly shifted my vision to that spot. I heard another crack, coming from another spot. I quickly started to feel like I was surrounded.

Next to me, I saw a large branch. I picked it up with my mouth to use as selfdefense. I never knew how to defend myself using only my teeth and claws. For, I have never had to.

In The Works, we were all very peaceful — always. There was nothing to worry about — ever.

I looked at the lake, hearing a splash in the water. I then looked at the trees hearing the leaves shake. I then shifted my vision to pile of leaves in front of me, hearing a... growl. I had never been this scared before in my life! I slowly backed away from the leaves as they rustled.
I heard another growl. And before I could blink, a creature jumped out at me, landing on my back, pushing me to the ground!
"Ha!" The creature whispered. "Got ya!"
I slowly turned around to face the creature.
"Wait a minute..." The creature said. "You're not Rambi!"
I quickly realized that I was in the midst of a female cat.
"Who... Who are you?!" She said, getting off of me.
"Umm... Dog." I said, shyly. "Who are you?"
"My name's Limber." She replied. "And I was playing tag with my friend, Rambi, but instead I ran in to you. Sorry 'bout that..."
I got up from the ground and shook the leaves off me.
"I haven't seen you around the forest. I know you're not from here!" Limber said.
"I'm lost. I used to live in an old barn, but The Skins are demolishing it." I replied.
"Oh my goodness!" She said. "Wait. What are The Skins?"
"You don't know?"
She nodded her head no.
"They're giant creatures that don't have fur except on their heads."
"Oh! You must be talking about the humans!"
"The... what?"
"Humans are what they're really called."
"I see..."

We went silent for a second, until.
"Got ya!" Another cat screamed as she toppled over Limber.
I quickly picked up the giant branch again.
"Dog, this is Rambi! My friend, not foe!" Said Limber.
I hesitated to put the branch down.

In The Works, there were never any cats. This is the first time I've seen a cat in several years. The last time I saw a cat was back in France, with Jezebel.
I quickly got lost in my thoughts as Limber and Rambi tried to snap me out of it.

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