Wind in a Woods

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"Limber?" I whispered. "Limber, wake up."
"Whah...?" She said, waking up. "What's wrong, Dog?"
"It... um. It's morning."
Limber opens her eyes and looks around, seeing that everything is very bright.
"Oh, um, yeah. I'm up, I'm up." She said, squinting from the brightness. "Can you please wake up Rambi while I go get some water for us from the lake?"
I nodded yes.

"Rambi?" I whispered. "Rambi!"
"WHAT?!" She screamed, waking up. "I'm awake, I'm awake! Wait... Where's Limber?"
"She went to get water from the lake."
"Oh... Okay, then."

I was alone, as Limber was getting water and Rambi was... Actually, I don't know what she's doing.

I looked up at the sky. Something seemed off. Instead of there being a bright blue sky, it was a dark grey color.
At the tip of my nose, I felt a tiny bit of water fall. I knew that it was going to rain. What I didn't know is how bad it was gonna be.

I sat on a log, daydreaming. Limber walked up to me and sat down as well.
"What's wrong?" Limber asked.
"I just... I've been thinking." I replied.
"Thinking about what?"
"I... I think it's time for me to go."
"What do you mean, "go"?"
"I'm gonna leave. I can't stay here with you and Rambi forever, right?"
"Well, why not? Why do you have to leave?"
"Because I wanna find my own place that I can call home. And, sadly, I don't think the forest is my place."
Limber went silent.
"I... I wanna find a new owner." I said.
Limber looked away from me.
"Ever since I lost Jezebel, I haven't felt anything, and I never wanted to have another owner again. But now, I can feel again, and I'm ready to start a new life! I'm ready to find a new family..." I said.
"But... I thought we were your family. You've stayed with us here for almost two months already, and suddenly you decide to leave - without any clue at all?" Limber replied.
I looked at Limber with a said face and nodded yes. I slowly got up and walked away to get ready to leave.

I looked up at the sky, noticing that it had gone black. I dropped my jaw to the ground, realizing that we were in the midst of a giant storm!

"Limber!" I yelled. "Rambi! There's a giant storm approaching us!"
Limber and Rambi looked at me. They had terror in their eyes. They had worked for almost six months, making the place they live in now. From the hut to the fire site, they put in a lot of hard work. We all knew that the storm would completely destroy all of their hard work. Not to mention the fact that there would most likely be a flood. By how close the clouds were, we were able to determent that the storm would hit us in a matter of minutes.

Rambi quickly ran towards their hut to try to save as much as possible.
Limber came up to me as I was staring at the sky.
"Go." Limber said to me.
"What?" I replied, confused.
"Go. Go find a new home." Limber said, smiling.

I looked at her, almost bursting into tears.

Rambi saw us and walked up to us.
"Have a safe trip, Dog." Rambi said.
I didn't expect her to say that. I, honestly, didn't know what I expected her to say, but definitely not that. But, nonetheless, I appreciated it.
"Bye guys..." I replied, smiling and crying at the same time as the rain came pouring down on us.

Goodbye my dear friends...

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