Seeing Things

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I laid, half asleep, on my rock. My eyes were awake but my body was not. I thought... I thought about the good days. Though, I could barely remember a blink, I could still make out faint memories that I had with Jezebel.
When I was in France, I didn't have to worry about anything! I was just a young pup, living life to the fullest!

As I laid flat, I heard a rustle near the trashcan down near the alley. I looked up to see what the noise was. I saw three, dark black figures running through the alley and the trash. The figures had knocked over one of the trash cans.
I was scared. What if it's some kind of dangerous, rabies animals? But, instead of being a smart dog, I went against my gut, and decided to go and check it out. Yeah... I'm not smart.

As I crawled up to the alley, I started smelling a fowl smell. Though, it didn't smell like your normal garbage. The smell had more of a punch to it. But, again, not listening to my gut, I kept going.
As I came to one of the knocked over trashcans, I heard a rustle inside of it. I knew the creature was right there. I stood my ground and didn't back down, and finally worked up the courage to look inside. I started to, slowly, peak my head inside of the trashcan, hoping for the best. I looked into the creature's eyes.
It was terrible! It was a horror to look at! It was... a squirrel? And when I looked up around me, all I saw was some squirrels. I guess not eating for a day really does something to you. I started to see things and get paranoid about them. I mean, just a couple of hours ago I thought I saw my good friend, Bird, but no, it wasn't him; it was just a tree branch with some blue feathers on it. I knew I needed rest. Fore, I hadn't been sleeping well the past few days. It's always hard to sleep on a new bed. And I've been switching beds every day. And I was also stressed. From leaving Limber and Rambi, to meeting Koar, which, in fact, I still can't stop thinking about; he was just so familiar looking.

Even though I wanted to start my travels yet again, I was just too tired and stressed. So, I postpone my adventure to the next day. I'm sure it'll be worth it. I need all the rest I can get, and later, I'm try to look for some food. 

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