Chili Point

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I started my hunt, yet again, for the perfect family. I was starting to think that the perfect family didn't exist... I was close to giving up, and just going to live under a rock. But, I didn't want to give up. I was probably just going crazy, anyway.

After seven months of not doing anything except traveling, I finally came to s little town. I had already adapted to reading so I was able to read a sign that the name of the town was Chili Point. And under the name it said "Hottest chilies in the USA!".

As I walked around town getting admired by people, I saw a young girl - maybe fifteen or so. I couldn't help but notice that she just looked so familiar.
Along side the girl roamed a little dog. Nothing wrong with the picture other then the fact that the dog had only three legs. Sound familiar? Yup, it was definitely Koar. I would know that soft black coat from a mile away.
But along with Koar, the girl looked so familiar. It was time for me to find out more.
I went up to them putting on my cutest puppy-dog face, putting one ear up, and tilting my head just ever so slightly. I was the ultimate cuteness overload.
I walked up to the girl scratching at her long coat. The girl looked down at me.
"Aww!" She said "Hello, puppy!"
I could tell that Koar recognized me, and was not amused.
"Are you lost?" Said the girl. Did she think that I was gonna reply?
She put a collar around my neck and tied a leash to me as Koar got to roam free. The girl took me to an apartment building - I guessed it was her's. She then left saying that she needed to get more dog food.
After she left, Koar looked at me with a dull face right before yelling out, "What are you doing here?!".

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