Here I Am

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It was the first day of school and I was not ready. High school will be nothing like middle school. No more spit balls and hand gestures. This shit is real, and its coming quick. I had woken up late and missed the bus. I was partially thankful because Joslyn Rae Jones rode my bus. I havent talked to her since first grade when we were partners for feild day. and even then the conversation rotated around graham crackers and Ms. johnson who always wore too much make up and high heels that she would never wear unless we went outside. as i thought about this i wondered if this year would be different. and looking back on it, i was spot on. My mom finally smacked me in the back of the head and i was out of my daze."get out" she yelled. i had made her late for work and she was pissed. "love you too mom. bye" I hopped out the car and walked into school.
There were so many lockers and everybody knew exactly where to go. I had memorized my schedule and locker combination the night before but they seemed to rush out my head as soon as i stepped into the jungle like hallway and trudged down the hall to my first class. 'room 114' i said in my head over and over so i wouldnt forget. i stepped into class and took a deep breath of BO and perfume. everyone was talking, so i was sure no one noticed i was there. but to my suprise, i heard a voice call my name. 'im hollusinating' i thought but turned around anyway just to check. as i whipped my body around to face the other direction, i saw Joslyn smiling and had to look behing me to check if she was looking at me. she was and i swear i almost had a mini heart attack.
"hey Austin! how ya been!" she said walking towards me.
"good i guess....h-how about you Joslyn?" I was suprised on how calm my voice was since inside i was screaming internally.
"great. Im finally done with that asshat James" i was suprised because they had been together for 2 years. she continued," Ive been meaning to talk to you about something though" i was shocked. but i also new this wasnt exactly a social call. "well here i am"

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