boot scum

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i ran into my house and up to my room. i threw my bag on the floor, papers flying all over the floor.
"everything okay up there?" i heard my mom call from the kitchen.
"yeah. fine" i yelled back, searching for my phone through the papers that lay scattered. i pulled it our and dialed ty's number. it rang 2 times and ty picked up.
"hey" he said blankly.
"did you tell someone? did someone hear us? someone knows what happened and im not ready for someone to find out that it was us." i ranted. nothing but silence came from ty's end for a few seconds.
"what do you think that meant to you?" ty calmly asked. it threw me off. i didnt know. all i knew was that i liked it and that ty was the only gay person at our school. i didnt want to be second and i sure as hell didnt want it to happen like this.
"i-i...i dont know. how did you know?"
"i liked it enough" he said like he had said it a thousand times. "did you?"
i had spaced. "huh?"
"did you like it enough?" he asked again, almost yearning for the answer.
"im not sure. but i did like it, a little more than josyln i think" i didnt realize what i said until i heard ty gasp.
"you kissed josyln? holy fuck" he sounded shocked but he had a hint of disgust in his voice.
"yeah..forgot to tell you that"
"clearly. look if you liked it, dont worry about me. i wont tell anyone. i dont even know how someone found out but i heard about it on the bus and ignored it." he said. it was a dirty secret he got to keep and he ravished in it.
the next day flew by with more accusations of the bathroom, more denial from ty and selfish smiles from me. i couldnt stand watching ty get so much critisism and hate, and the thought of what he goes through when im not around made me cringe. josyln made nice conversation but seemed to ignore the fact that i was spaced out.
"hello?" she said at lunch, but i was focused on the jocks that had sat at the table where ty had peacefully sat alone until then.
"hello? can you hear me? earth to austin"
"what? sorry. i was just.." i trailed off, not removing my eyes from the disturbed table where ty attempted to ignore the big beefy figures that taunted him and threw food. i grimaced at the sight, thinking of how insecure they must be and how ty must feel so awful.
"its horrible isnt it, what theyre doing to ty. i hate it but i cant help that hes the way he is." she stated, sliding a hand across my back. her last comment threw me back, almost like she didnt accept that he was genuine in his lifestyle.
"what do you mean...'the way he is'?" i spit the words out turning to her.
"no i didnt mean it like that its just-" she moved her hand to my shoulder but i shrugged it off and stared at her straight in the face.
"no. i dont think you meant it like anything did you? you dont actually care whats happening to him you just think you know that i do. think before you speak next time" i said harshly and threw my tray away. i walked over to the table that ty sat at and sat down. i laced my fingers together and sat them on the table. i looked and the 3 jocks that could easily beat the shit out of me and gave them a smile. they looked at me through confused faces. one of them was the quarter back, john rogers, who sat in the middle, wearing his letterman jacket and slick back hair. the other 2 were receivers. jack and jill we would call them jokingly since their names were so hard to pronounce. jack on the right with turkey sandwich stuck in his premature mustache looked at john, waiting for him to come up with some clever little remark.and jill on the left, checking out some cheerleader at the next table who seemed to ignore my presence.
"what are you doing?" ty asked with wide eyes.
"nothing. just sitting with my friend and some dumbass jocks who seem to have misplaced their table since they would never sit with a gay guy to socialize." i stated, never removing my eyes from john and kept on smiling like i was just waiting for the bomb to go off.
"what the fuck do you want boot scum" john spitted "trying to get us off your little boyfrend here? i guess it was you in the bathroom with him wasnt it. told you boys. we'll get out of your way. got business in other places anyway." he started to get up but stopped when i did something stupid.
"yeah well i guess your boyfriends need a bit more attention than mine huh?" he smirked and sat down.
his face hardened and he looked at me with half the cafeteria looking at us. "what did you just say? gayboy?"
the name made my stomache turn, ty just sat there, a mesmerized look smacked across his face. "i said you should go tend to your little boy toys before they go haywire for the loving you promised" i looked at jack and jill who had gone pale "aint that right?"
john got up and punched the table. by then, everyone was staring, a few people had taken out their phones and moved back.
"i dont want to hear or see you again. ya hear? cuz if i do, you and your little friend are gonna have another thing coming." and with that, they threw their trays away and left. i turned to ty
"what the hell was that?" ty asked
" i dont know bt im lightheaded" i grabbed his water bottle, half empty "gonna drink this?"
his face froze, his mouth opened . then it formed a smile and he shook his head "whatever"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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