Chapter 3

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Ben woke up with the worst pain in his lower back. Usually, if his lower back is hurting it's because of all the stunts he had to do on a set or because he and Cassie spent all night having sex. Unfortunately, neither of those were the case.

He had obeyed his wife's command and slept on the couch. It took him a while to actually fall asleep, but when he did, it was the most uncomfortable sleep in his life. The reason he struggled to physically fall asleep was because of a talk he had Cassie had last night.

When they got home, she expressed how deeply wounded she was that he was getting upset about not having children. But then she told him that it felt like he had thrown salt on the wound for blaming her for not having any yet. She ended up crying and he tried to comfort her, but it didn't work.

He continued to listen to her and comfort her until she fell asleep. He wanted desperately to hold her as she slept, but he didn't want to get on her bad side anymore than he has. He ended up tucking her in, then cleaned up the broken glass and picked up the stuff that was meant to possibly maim him before grabbing his pillow and a blanket and heading downstairs.

Now, he's cracking and popping his back with a loud groan. Thank god he didn't have any sets to be on for a few more weeks. As he let the sleep escape from him, he spotted something on the coffee table. It was a warm cup of coffee with a couple of aspirin next to it.

He smiled and let out a small chuckle before popping the meds in his mouth and washing them down with the coffee. He then stood up and grunted when a part of his lower back popped. He continued his painful journey into the kitchen and picked up a muffin out of the batch Cassie had made a few days ago.

He buttered it up and took a bite of the soft, blueberry pastry. He moaned at how good it was. With his muffin and coffee in hand, he made his way upstairs to grab some clothes and a towel. He would take a shower in one of the guest bedrooms.

"I'm just grabbing some clothes," he announced as he walked into the bedroom...only there was no one that heard him. With furrowed eyebrows, he looked at the neatly made bed, then into the dark ensuite. There wasn't anybody in here, except for Hunter who was sleeping on his place at the end of the bed.

Ben set down his muffin and coffee on the dresser, then called, "Cass? You here?" He didn't get a response. "Cassie," he tried again. "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm only grabbing some clothes so there's no need to hide." Again, nothing.

Sighing, he walked over to the window and looked out into the driveway. Her car was gone. Just as he made that discovery, his phone started beeping from downstairs. He went down and grabbed it off the table and saw a text from said missing wife.

At the restaurant. Might be late. Don't wait up.

This text was too simple for her. Usually it would have heart emojis and blowing kisses emojis, or even the smiling poop. This was just...words. No "I love you" or "have a great day". None of the usual stuff. 

He let out a sigh and went back upstairs. He petted Hunter on his way to the bathroom, then proceeded to take a shower and get ready. He couldn't just sit around the house knowing that things between him and Cassie are still tender. 

What he said to her still repeated itself over and over in his head. He had no right to say what he did and the guilt was still creeping up his spine. He felt like he had a lifetime of of apologies to give her, yet it wouldn't be enough to earn forgiveness.

He planned to make today all about forgiveness and understanding. So, after getting dressed and dabbing on a bit of the cologne that usually turns Cassie on, he made his way down the street to the same flower shop as last night. 

The Baker, Part 2: Sous ChefWhere stories live. Discover now