Chapter 27

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"Good God, you two." Ben was gaping at Kelly and Cassie and their immense dedication to dressing up for the first day of Comic-Con. Kelly was dressed as female version of John Watson and Cassie was a female version of Sherlock Holmes...except the trench coat was actually Ben's from set. 

It was obviously too big for her, but it was comfortable enough. "That is why you wanted me to steal the coat from set?" Ben asked. Cassie nodded furiously and excitedly asked, "You like it?" He huffed out a laugh and said, "Yeah...sure. Actually, you do look very sexy." 

Kelly made a disgusted noise, then walked away. Ben went up to Cassie and put his hands on her hips. "You know," he said, "I wouldn't mind you wearing nothing but that coat to bed tonight." She hummed, then wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"We'll see," she told him. "Depends on how worn out I am from today. I'm so excited!" Chuckling, Ben pulled her along to the door and said, "Well then, let's not keep you waiting any longer. I just need to put on my costume."

He then went into the bedroom and came out with a Stormtrooper mask on and and white t-shirt. "Lame," Cassie said, before walking out with Kelly. "Lame?" Ben asked as he followed. "A stormtrooper is perfect!" She scoffed, "Yeah with the full outfit. I would have gotten one for you. Actually, you'd be pretty hot going as Han. Please dress up as Han for Halloween."

Kelly grunted, then said, "I better not have the bedroom next to your's when I move in."

They continued down to the lobby, where Karon was waiting for them. They got into the car and were driven to the Comic-Con building, where they were granted special entry and V.I.P. passes. When they started walking in, Ben had never seen Cassie so excited for anything. 

She was bouncing, shaking, nearly sweating from excitement! "I don't think you were this excited on our wedding day," he jokingly jabbed. She poked him, then grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "I also don't think you squeezed my hand this hard when you were giving birth to Liam," he grunted. 

When they got fully inside, Ben put on his mask and heard Cassie audibly gasp. "Oh. My. God," she said. "This is why I married you." Ben laughed, then pulled her along. They walked up to all sorts of booths and souvenir places. 

Ben was looking at the Star Wars booth and frowned inside of his mask when he saw lightsaber. "I've always asked for one of these for Christmas, but never got one," he said. Cassie hugged his arm and said, "Well, maybe if you're a good boy this year, you'll get one."

She couldn't see his dirty, sly smile in his mask, but she could sense it when he told her, "Oh, I can never be a good boy around you." Luckily, Kelly was at some Anime booth, so she didn't hear that. 

They continued to walk around and browse, not showing too much interest in the panels that were going on at the moment. They were waiting for the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Since they had a few hours to kill before that, they used their V.I.P. passes to get a sneak peak of what the halls looked like. 

"I'm going to be in this one tomorrow," Ben said in awe and some fear. Hall H was the biggest hall they had and, with Ben being the big star he is, of course they needed enough room to fit all of his fangirls. "You'll be fine, babe," Cassie assured. "Now, let's go fish for celebrities!"

"Darling, I am a celebrity," he pointed out. She lightly whacked his arm and said, "Stop killing my vibe." He chuckled and followed her around, buying every souvenir, everything she merely glanced at. She told him to stop, but he wanted to spoil her. 

At one point, Cassie spotted a Walking Dead onesie that said, "Little Ass Kicker" and she immediately bought it for Liam. She also bought a Star Wars and Game of Thrones onesie. Ben didn't entirely approve, but thought it funny nonetheless. 

When the time came to go to the Walking Dead panel, they found Kelly and headed over to the hall. They're passes got them behind the stage, but not close enough to the cast. Still, Ben thought Cassie was going to faint from being so close to Norman Reedus and Andrew Lincoln. 

Little did she know, he knew Andrew Lincoln. When he called his name and waved to him, Andrew looked a little excited as he waved back. Cassie and Kelly looked at Ben in shock. "What?" He asked. "We did a play together one Summer during school."

He had a sly smile on, knowing he would definitely pay for that later. 

They watched the panel from the sidelines, but got closer to see the trailer for the next season. Cassie and Kelly were freaking out as Ben watched them with a smile. He didn't get a chance to waved Andrew over, as he and the rest of the cast were being rushed off to their next gig, but Ben knew he could get to him when they go to get autographs. 

He can actually get Cassie and Kelly something better than autographs. 

"Andy!" Ben shouted as Andrew Lincoln started to sit at the autograph table. "Ben!" He shouted back when he saw Ben waving. He quickly went up to Ben and gave him a manly hug. "How are you mate? It's been ages!" 

Ben laughed and told him, "I know, I know! It's great to see you, mate, especially in something as big as this." Andy nodded and said, "Yeah, it gets crazy at times, but you would know, Mr. Khan and Mr. Sherlock Holmes!"

Ben simply waved him off, then linked his arm around a stunned Cassie. "Andy, I'd like you to meet your biggest fans. This is my wife Cassie and my sister-in-law Kelly." Andy gave them both a wide smile and asked, "Biggest fans? Well come on over and I'll get an autograph and picture for you!" 

Cassie and Kelly aimlessly followed with dreamy looks on their face. Andrew signed Cassie's Walking Dead DVD collection and Kelly's 'I Heart Daryl Dixon' t-shirt. He took a picture with both of them and then individually. 

Ben had a wide smile as he took them on his phone, loving how happy his girls were. Andrew even called over Norman Reedus and introduced them. They obviously didn't care if they were holding up the autograph session. 

After that was over with, Cassie was squealing and jumping up and down in excitement. "Oh my God, I can't believe that actually happened! And I can't believe you know Andrew Lincoln! Do you know anyone from the Game of Thrones cast? Please tell me you do!" 

Ben chuckled and brought her to his side. "No, I'm afraid not, my dear," he told her. "Although, I might be able to text Kit and ask him he knows anybody..." That earned him a slap on the arm. 

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