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Okay. Y'all love Kyle.
Tbh, even if y'all didn't like him, I would've added him in anyways. I think he's cute. Even though I made him lol. 💗

J o e y

"Okay well, thanks Larry. I suppose I should go find Nora. Where do you think she'd be?"
I ask to Larry as he puts his filing papers into the office desk drawer.

"Try Linda's office.
Oh never mind she's out today. Umm..."
He thinks rubbing his forehead.

"Try either, her old room or, the kitchen area."

He replies sliding his glasses back over his eyes.

"Thanks again for coming down boys. Nice to see you again."
Larry says shaking hands with the both of us. Daniel smiles and passes me my crutches. I stand up, with the help of my handy-dandy crunches, and we head out of the room. "Okay, you head back to the car and I'll go get Nora."
He says and I smile and mouth 'thank you' I give him a quick kiss, and head out the door back to our car.

D a n i e l

Okay. Kitchen or room?
I'll take my guess and assume room.

I'm walking down the hall and I see her bedroom.
It's quite odd to be going back to her old bedroom.
It's so unfamiliar but yet to families at the same time.

I stop in my tracks as I see the room door.
I hear her laughing on the other side so now I know for sure she's in here. I jiggle the doorknob a little then pull it forward to see,
Norabella and... A boy?

"oh dad! Come in."
She says waving her hand towards me. The boy she's next to has light blonde hair, a yellow shirt and blue jeans and green crocks.
He tenses up when I come in.
I think he's shy.

"Hey Nory. We finished up talking to Larry so now we can head on home. Who's your friend?"
I ask her smiling.

"Oh alright! Dad, this is my new best friend Kyle. Kyle, this is dad number 1."

I chuckle and shake hands with the shy boy.

He asks to Nory and she nods with a big grin on her face.

"Oh hi sir."
He says and his arms relax.

"Well Kyle, how old are you?"
I ask curiously.

"I um... I'm 7..."
He replies as he scratches the back of his neck. Nervous tick?

"Yeah. But he's literally 12 days older then me! Isn't that weird?"
She asks. Her face still bright.
She's never had a friend before. At least not one that's not a police officer.
I need to find out how to contact him again so I can set up some play dates.
Aww. Norys first best friend!

"That's so cool!
Well I'm really sorry to break up this funky duo, but we needa head home."

Nory frowns at me and groans dramatically.
"Hey Kylie, gimme your mothers phone number so we can play again. We need to know all about eachother by the time were 25"
She says to Kyle. And he nods in agreement.

Why 25?

"Oh I have my moms phone number here, Bean."

Wait. Who's bean?

"Okay thanks Kylie. See you on the flippity-flop."
She says standing up, and then much to my surprise, kissing his cheek and then grabbing my hand.

Aww. Norys first kiss.
A lot of milestones are happening today apparently.

Kyle puts his head in his hands in embarrassment and Nory laughs.

"Can you at least wait till we're married, string bean?"

He says muffly cause of his mouth being pressed up ageist his hands.

She rolls her eyes and struts out of the room.

Wait hold up.


"so Nory, wanna tell Joey about your new boyfriend?"
I say sarcastically. She groans dramatically and straps her seatbelt in.

"Oo la la! Boyfriend?"

Joey says turning to the left so he can see Nory who's in the back seat behind my seat.

"Oh hush! He's not my boyfriend. He's just my new best friend. His name is Kyle."

She says and Joey chuckles then turnn back forward.

"Why was he there?"
Joey asks again.

"Oh he was crying when I can in, so I asked him why and he told me about his dad. He's going to the slammer, so then I said "my old dad is in jail to"
So we just bonded then said we should be friends and have sleepovers. Then eventually get married when we're 25."

Joey raises his eyebrows and turns back to her.

He asks and I hear Nory go "mmhm"

"Well, married couples start out as friends, then when they get super old they get married, right? So, we're friends then when we get older we get married."

Me and Joey laugh at her remark

And we spend the rest of the car ride home with Nory telling us all about Kyle.

I updated 2 times to fill in for my lack of updating for the past 3 days. Might updated again if j hey an idea but idk. Hope you likey the story.

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