- Legit Part 13 -

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Btw y'all, I was dying from laughter at some comments I got lmao.


Or don't. :)

D a n i e l

Daniel: "Love you to!"

I shout out to Joey as he leaves the house and shuts the door.
But now all of a sudden the second he leaves, I'm beginning to feel like something is wrong. Sorta uncomfortable.

But I guess it's nothing. I'll iust watch some Telly or something.

42 minutes later.

I feel my heart starts to race and I begin to sweat a little. Something is definitely wrong. But I don't know what. Maybe I should call Joey. He always calms be down when I hear his voice.
But he's driving to Colleen's I forgot. Who she now lives an hour away since she moved.

Maybe I have a cold or something. "I'll just lay down" I mummer to myself and head to the bedroom.
I flop down on the bed and feel a little calmer. But deep down I feel like something bad is happening.


Seriously? The second I lay down my phone rings?

I pick up my phone from the charger stand on the desk next to me read the caller I.D.

L.A State Hospital.

Okay. Maybe it's a miss call or something?

Daniel: "Uh, hello?"

X: "Hi, is this Daniel Preda?"

Okay not a miss call.
But why is the hospital calling me?

Daniel: "Yes this is him. How can I help you?"
I say my words are uneven and I know something is wrong.
I know I've said that, but it's the worst feeling. I need to know what's happening.

X: "Okay sir, we're gonna have to ask you to come down over to the hospital, an emergency is happening so if you can, come down as soon as possible."

She says now sounding nervous and rushed.

Daniel: "What's t-the emergency?"

I say quickly getting up and slipping on some toms and running outside to my car with my keys in my left and and my phone in my right.

X: "Your name was linked to a man named Joseph Michael Preda-Graceffa?"

Then and there I feel my heart actually sink.
This is the one time when I didn't want someone to say my husbands name.

Daniel: "Yes yes. What's happening? What happened to him? Tell me what's happened?"

I say half yelling and half terrified.

X: "Sir, I hate to inform you, but Joseph has been in a car accident with a young child.

I instantly freeze.
I instantly want to sob.
But I can't. I need to save that for when I know the situation.

Daniel: "Oh god oh god oh god oh god."

I mummer tears are now falling down my cheeks.
Of course my daughter is in surgery when I arrive.
And Joey is being 'worked on'
Or something. I couldn't listen to the Nurse when she was telling me. I can't process anything right now.

I'm sitting down in an uncomfortable waiting chair.

I'm tapping my foot quickly on the ground.

I pull out my cell phone and text Meghan, Cat, Nicole, Linda, and Joeys parents about the situation.

I feel the tears flowing down my face like niagara. And my hands are shaking up a storm.

I can't not be with Joey.
I can't not be with Joey.
I can't not be with Joey.

Is what I'm repeating in a small whisper only I can hear.

Just praying that my husband and daughter are going to be okay.

X: "Daniel Preda-Graceffa?"

I hear someone call at the door.

Daniel: "Y-yeah t-that's me!"

I say as I stand up and hurry towards the male nurse.

X: "You can see Joseph now. He just woke up."

Daniel: "Thank you!"

I manage to say threw all the fear at sadness.

I almost run down the hall into the room the nurse told me, 427.

I stop at the door and take a deep breath in and breath out very, very, slowly but quickly at the same time.

I open the door slightly and open it wider.

Oh gosh.

A/N. I know Nory was mentioned a lot in the chapter. Surry. Updating MAYBE later today.

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