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You couldn't help the smile that formed as you arrived in New York, New York, one of the most popular cities in America. You were a mastermind at Computers and Technology, and you had just gotten a job opportunity to work for one of the best Tech Companies in the USA.

So you moved from your small home town to New York. You bought a small apartment and unpacked all of your stuff. You basked in the glory of all the lights that lit up the night sky and you couldn't help but let a small smile play on your lips as you realized that this was going to be the start of a new life for you. A better life.

It was about nine o'clock at night, so you decided to get some rest, knowing that tomorrow was going to be a long day. It was your first day at the job, and while you were excited about the opportunity, you were also very anxious.

The next day when you got to the company though, they told you that they had already given the job to somebody else. Something hadn't processed correctly with your application and they apparently had never heard a response back from you. You were beyond confused and disappointed a to how this could happen. You spent the next couple of weeks trying to get a job, but it was New York, and there weren't any good jobs for you.

One day, you went to a small diner. There weren't a lot of workers there, because the flu had been going around, and it wiped out most of the employees. The diner was swamped and you felt bad for the girl who was working there.

"Do you need help?" you offered. The girl looked at you. "Do you have any experience?" she asked you. You nodded your head in response. "You won't get paid for it...only what the customers tip you, and my boss can't know or I could get fired. But, this job isn't worth the stress of handling this rush by myself," she rambled on. "I can handle just working for the tips, it's better than no money at all," you replied, desperate to make a little bit of cash since you had been living off your savings for the past couple of weeks. You smiled and went behind the counter and helped the girl for the rest of the night.

You left the girl your number, in case there was a job opportunity and a couple of days later, the girl called you asking if you wanted to officially be an employee at the small restaurant. That was three months ago, and it has been your job ever since.

It wasn't your ideal job, but at least you were making money, and the people there were all your friends. The only thing that was horrible was the hours.

You always got the night shifts that lasted from about nine o'clock at night to nine o'clock in the morning. You didn't get home until about ten o'clock in the morning every day.

You groggily walked up the stairs to your apartment. All you needed right now was some rest. As soon as you got inside your apartment, you did your normal routine.

You took off your jacket and shoes and put them nicely away. You set your purse and keys on a small table and went into the kitchen.

When you went into the kitchen, you saw that there was a new voicemail. You pushed play on the machine as you grabbed a drink of water.

"Hello, Ms. Y/L/N, this is JARVIS," a computerized voice said, "I am the personal assistant to Mr. Tony Stark, and we have seen your intellect in developments you have made."

You stared at your phone as the message continued to play. "Okay, JARVIS, enough with the smart talk. Y/N, this is Tony Stark, and I think that you would be a great addition to my company. Anyways, there is a job here for you, if you want it, just call us back," Tony said before the message ended.

You couldn't believe it, the most famous man in all of New York, Tony Stark, had just offered you a job. You called the number back, totally forgetting about how tired you were.

"Hello?" you heard Tony say on the other side of the phone. "Hi, this is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm calling about a job offer," you stated.

"Oh, right! So, what do you think, do you want to join Stark Industries?" Tony asked. You let out a small chuckle and said, "It would be an honor."

You heard Tony laugh a little bit, and he said, "Right answer." So, when do I start?" you asked. "Well usually, it would be right now, but I want you to get some rest first. I know that you are tired," Tony replied.

"How do you know that?" you asked him curiously. "Let's just say that I have eyes everywhere, and don't worry about talking to your boss about quitting your job. I already took care of that," Tony said.

"How did you know I was going to say yes to your job offer?" you questioned. "I'm Tony Stark," he replied confidently before continuing,  "and don't worry your boss, he has no hard feelings. When I told him you were quitting your job, I gave them a $100,000 donation fee along with a couple of my finest workers," Tony explained.

"Wow, that was very generous of you," you told him. "I have my moments," Tony said. "Well, thank you," you told him. "Of course, and be here at nine o'clock AM sharp tomorrow," Tony said.

"Yes sir," you replied. "See you tomorrow, Y/N," Tony told you. "Good-bye," you replied. You hung up the phone and placed it back in its hook.

You then went over to your bed and collapsed onto it. For the first time in a long time, you were excited for tomorrow, and you got one of the best sleep you have ever gotten.

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