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The next morning you showed up to The Avengers Tower at exactly nine o'clock, and you parked your car in Tony's garage just as he told you to do.

However, when you got into Tony's office, you found it completely empty. You walked around the Tower, looking for Tony, and you finally found him still in his bedroom.

He was completely clothed, passed out on the bed, and alone which was a good thing, because if he was with someone that would have made things very awkward. You also noticed the bottles of liquor that were next to his bed.

You let out a small sigh before walking into Tony's room and turning on the light and opening the curtains. You weren't sure if you were intruding or not, but you hated seeing such a talented mind waste away to alcohol. Tony groaned and covered his eyes. "What do you want?" he asked.

"It's time to get up," you told Tony. "Y/N?" he asked, though it was muffled from his hiding his face under his arm. "Yep, now come on get up," you said. "Why are you doing this?" he questioned. "Because I am awesome and I am not going to let you do this to yourself," you replied.

Tony groaned but removed his arm from his face so he could look at you. "I will have breakfast ready in twenty minutes, you better look at least presentable by then," you told him. "I thought I was the boss here," Tony said.

You laughed and said, "You have twenty minutes." You then went downstairs and cooked pancakes and eggs. Tony came down and he was wearing jeans and a muscle shirt. He combed through his hair, but you could still tell he was a bit hungover.

You fixed him a plate as he sat down at his dining room table. You set the plate down and then stood there for a second. 'You're not going to make me eat alone, are you?" Tony asked. You gave him a small smile and then fixed yourself a plate and sat down next to Tony.

"Thank you Y/N, but you don't have to do this," Tony said. "Nobody should go through break-ups alone," you replied. "You're a good person," Tony said. "Thanks, Mr. Stark, but I'm just doing my job. Being a good assistant," you replied.

"It's Tony," he said. You smiled and the two of you finished your plates of food. "That was one of the best breakfasts I've ever had. You're an amazing cook," Tony complimented. "I try," you replied. "You succeed," Tony said.

You felt a small blush rise to your cheeks and to cover it up, you said, "So what are we doing today boss?" "Just working in the lab, I guess," Tony replied.

"Sounds good," you said as you stood up from the table and started to take the plates into the kitchen. However, Tony caught up to you and took the plates out of your hands. "You cooked breakfast, I'll clean up," Tony said.

He started walking into the kitchen, but before he could get into the kitchen, he took the plates back. "That's sweet of you, but I'm the assistant. It's my job to do this. If I don't do my job, then why are you paying me?" you said.

"Who said I'm paying you?" Tony asked. You shot Tony a playful glare which made him laugh. Hearing Tony laugh made you chuckle as well. "Go ahead and go to the lab, and I will meet you down there," you said.

"Okay," Tony replied, and he began to walk. "Oh, Y/N, the lab's right down the hallway, try not to get lost, even though it is a big tower," Tony said, teasing you about the night before. You stopped washing the dishes for a moment.

"That's not funny!" you said as you heard Tony laugh. You finished washing the dishes then you went to the lab. You found Tony looking at a machine.

"You okay?" you asked, getting Tony's attention. "Yeah, it's just I was at this machine, the first time I met Pepper," Tony explained. "Oh," you said, looking at the machine. "Then let's start at this machine," you said, pulling Tony in a different direction.

"This machine's broken," Tony said. "Then let's fix it," you suggested. "Okay, I will get my tools," Tony said as he walked a bit away from you. You watched as Tony stared at his tools, lost in thought.

"Let me guess, something to do with Pepper?" you asked coming closer to Tony. "I'm sorry, Pepper and I just had so many memories, and most of them were in this lab," Tony explained.

"So then let's get out of here," you said after a few moments. "What?" Tony asked. "Let's go somewhere else. I mean you can't get over a break-up if you're constantly reminded of it" you stated. "Okay, where are we going then?" Tony asked.

"Do you trust me?" you asked Tony. "Yes," he said hesitantly. "Then, just follow me," you said as you led Tony to your car. "Nice car," he mumbled as he got in the passenger seat. "Thanks," you said as you got into the driver's seat. "Ready?" you asked. Tony looked at you before nodding his head, and you drove away.

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