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You and Tony arrived at the place you were taking him to a bit later. "This is where we're going?" Tony asked. "Yep," you replied as you looked at the amusement park in front of you. "Why?" Tony asked. "Because you need to have some fun," you said as you got out of the car.

Tony followed you and he stayed by your car for a moment, debating whether he should go or not. You walked back over to him and grabbed his wrist. "Come on," you urged. Tony let out a sign and said, "Fine."

You smiled as you led Tony into the amusement park. There were people everywhere, and there were many rides. The amusement park was actually quite large. "So, what do you want to do first?" you asked Tony.

Tony looked around and pointed to a rollercoaster that had seats that were attached by the top, instead of the bottom, so that the rider's feet were dangling. You looked at the rollercoaster, and said, "Okay."

You went to the back of the line, but since you were with "Tony Stark" you were allowed to go to the front of the line. You and Tony sat in the front of the little train of seats, and Tony noticed that you looked a bit uneasy.

"Are you scared?" Tony asked. "No...I'm just a little nervous," you said, looking down at your feet. Tony grabbed your hand and said, "You don't need to be, I'm right here." Your eyes met Tony's and there was a moment of silence, and then you heard the rollercoaster start going.

Out of instinct, you accidentally squeezed Tony's hand a little bit. He smiled at you and you nervously bit your lip and looked in front of you, which Tony found completely adorable. The rollercoaster began climbing a large hill.

Soon, the rollercoaster got to the top of the hill and Tony squeezed your hand. "I'm right here," Tony said. You looked at him and nodded, and then the rollercoaster went down the hill. You and Tony both let out small screams, and after a few minutes the ride was over.

As soon as you and Tony got off, he said, "See that wasn't so bad." "Only because you made it bearable," you replied. You suddenly realized what you said, and you tried to change the subject. "So which ride now?" you asked.

You and Tony continued to ride on many different rides, and some rides twice, the entire day. On at least half of the rides, you were nervous to ride them, so Tony held your hand on them. It wasn't until you saw that a few of the rides had turned off that you realized how late at night it was.

"How about it Y/N? One more ride?" Tony asked. You nodded and he said, "You choose this one." You smiled and said, "Okay." You looked around the amusement park, and your eyes landed on the Ferris wheel.

You pointed at it and said, "That one, let's go." Tony nodded and followed you to the Ferris wheel. However, just as you were about to get on, Tony stopped you. "I don't know, Y/N, maybe this isn't a good idea," he said, looking at the Ferris wheel.

"You're scared to ride it," you stated, with a small smile. "No...I'm just a little nervous," Tony responded, copying your words. You smiled and grabbed Tony's hand. "You don't need to be, I'm right here," you said, copying Tony's words.

Tony stared at you and then nodded. You walked toward the Ferris wheel, and you and Tony sat on one of the seats. Tony squeezed your hand and said, "You better not let go." You smiled and said, "I told you I'm right here." Tony nodded, and the Ferris wheel began turning.

You and Tony soon reached the top, and the Ferris wheel stopped. "Why did we stop? Did the ride break?" Tony asked, a little panicked. "No, they're just letting more people on," you replied. "Oh," Tony said, relaxing.

"Look at how beautiful the view is up here," you told Tony. "Yeah," he replied looking around. You and Tony soon met eye contact, and neither of you wanted to break it. Tony leaned in about an inch, and so did you.

The connection between the two of you was so strong, and you were about to kiss, when the ride started going again. Tony turned his head out of reflex and you let out a small, quiet sigh. The ride soon ended, and you drove back to the Tower.

You and Tony walked back up to his office and you went inside. "I had a great time tonight, Y/N, thank you. It took my mind away from everything," Tony said.

"Glad I could help," you replied. There was a moment of silence and then you said, 'Well I should get home." Tony nodded and said, "Good night Y/N."

"Good night Mr. Stark," you replied. Tony let out a soft groan and he said, "It's Tony!" You laughed and went down the elevator, before going home.

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