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You woke up the next day at 7:30. However, you were still tired, because you hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. You stayed up most of the night thinking about Tony.

You were dreading and excited to go to work today. Things could either be really awkward or really amazing. Either way, you still needed to prepare yourself.

You got in the shower and blow-dried your hair when you got out. You put on a cute, professional dress and wore some heels. You put on some cute earrings, and then you styled your hair. Lastly, you applied your make-up and looked at yourself.

Today you were definitely looking good. A bit more confident to see Tony now, you left your house.

When you got to the Tower, you were surprised to see Tony awake. He was sitting on one of his couches, laying his head back on the couch.

"Hey," you said, softly, knowing that he most likely had a headache. Tony slowly lifted his head up to look at you. "Hey," he replied quietly.

"I'll get you some medicine," you told him, going into the kitchen. You grabbed some painkillers from the medicine cabinet and fixed him a glass of water. "Maybe he doesn't remember last night," you thought to yourself.

You went back into the living room and handed Tony the pills and glass of water. He thanked you and you sat down next to him on the couch. He took the pills and then looked over at you.

"So, about last night," Tony said. You froze in your spot. Crap. This was definitely not going the way you had hoped it was going to go this morning. "You remember last night?" you asked him.

"Yeah," Tony said. "I'm sorry about what I said, and more importantly I'm sorry if it scared you off," Tony said. "It didn't," you replied.

Tony gave you a small smile and you smiled back, and then it was like your mouth had a mind of its own as the words, "Did you mean it?" flew out.

"Mean what?" Tony asked, making eye contact with you. "What you said, last night," you explained. You saw Tony began to blush, and you felt bad for putting him on the spot.

"Sorry, that was -," you began, but Tony cut you off by saying, "Yes." Your eyes slightly widened as you repeated, "Yes?" Tony nodded and asked, "Did you mean what you said?" Tony asked.

You nodded and mumbled, "Yes." You looked down at your feet and Tony smiled. He used two of his fingers to tilt your chin up so that you and him were making eye contact.

Then slowly, he leaned in and gave you the sweetest, most passionate kiss either of you had ever had. The two of you continued to kiss until you heard someone say, "Crap, I have got to stop doing this."

You and Tony pulled away and looked up to see Steve standing there. You and Tony laughed as Steve fleed the room.

"Do you want to go meet the Avengers?" Tony asked. You gave Tony a strange look and said, "I've already met the Avengers, remember?"

Tony laughed and said, "Yes, I do remember, but this time I get to introduce you as my girlfriend." You smiled and kissed Tony before saying, "Then what are we waiting for?"


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