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As soon as you were within two miles from The Tower, you could hear loud music playing. Cars were everywhere and you couldn't get through to the Tower.

You were about to park and just walk a couple of miles, when you heard JARVIS' computerized voice say, "Hello, Ms. Y/L/N." "JARVIS?" you asked.

"Correct," he replied. "How are you talking to me?" you questioned. "With the help of Mr. Stark, we hacked into your technology in your car so that I may be able to contact you," JARVIS explained.

"Okay, why?" you asked with a slight chuckle. "So I could inform you to drive into the alleyway and turn right then continue straight," JARVIS said.

You looked at the alley and said, "That alley doesn't look safe." "It is, Mr. Stark, cleared everyone out of it just for you. The alley leads to the back of the Tower where you can access the garage," JARVIS explained.

You smiled at Tony's generous offer and took the alley to the garage. You went up the elevator and as soon as the doors opened, you were immediately crowded by people.

You stayed on the elevator until it began to close, and then you quickly stepped into the room. You were overwhelmed and didn't know what to do, until all of a sudden you felt someone tap your shoulder.

You looked to see Captain America standing there. "Steve?" you asked. "Hey, your Y/N, right?" he said. "Yeah," you replied. "Is this how all of Tony's parties are?" you asked him.

Steve looked around and said, "Yeah, pretty much." You laughed and Steve said, "Come on, I will help you push through all of these people to get to the bar," You let out a laugh and followed Steve to the bar.

Once you got to the bar, you and Steve sat down on two of the stools. "So, how are you liking your job?" Steve asked. "It's great. Tony's an amazing guy," you replied.

"Well, according to him, you're an amazing girl," Steve told you. "Really? Tony said that?" you asked. Steve nodded his head and said, "You may not know it, but your the only other girl besides Pepper that has ever gotten through to him."

You smiled at the idea and thought about Tony, until suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by Steve saying, "Well, anyway, I'm going to go see what Thor's up to, but it was nice talking to you."

"Yeah, you too, and thanks, Steve," you replied. Steve nodded and left. You got up and started walking around the Tower. You saw Tony standing next to the DJ doing some ridiculous dance moves, and you could clearly tell that Tony was already drunk.

You tried to walk the other way before Tony could see you, but unfortunately Tony had already spotted you. He grabbed a microphone and said, "Look, guys! She's here! Y/N's here! And she's wearing the color I told her to wear, doesn't she look beautiful?"

You blushed and looked at Tony as a spotlight shined on you, causing everyone else to look at you as well. Tony tried to walk over to you, but instead, he fell down the stairs of the platform he was on.

You let out a small laugh and went over to Tony to help him up. "Thanks," Tony said, slightly embarrassed. "You're welcome. Come on let's go somewhere a little quieter," you said.

Tony nodded and followed you, holding your hand and leaning on you for support. You sat Tony down on a bench on his balcony. "Are you okay?" you asked Tony.

"I am, now that you're here," Tony replied. You blushed and looked down at your feet. "I'm serious Y/N, I was nervous about tonight, because I wasn't sure if you were going to show. But now that you here I am really glad you are because you look really hot, and I really like you," Tony told you.

You blushed and made eye contact with him. "How many drinks have you had tonight?" you asked. Tony tried to count but he couldn't. "Okay, we should get you to bed," you told him.

You helped Tony walk up to his bedroom, and you laid him on his bed. You sat down next to him and said, "Get better."

You were about to get up when Tony grabbed your hand and sat up. "Can you tell me how you feel about me? I told you," Tony said, clearly wanting to know.

You looked into Tony's eyes and said, "I really like you too." Tony smiled and leaned in closer to you, but just as your lips were about to touch his, Captain America decided to come in.

"Oh, I'm sorry guys," Steve said. You looked at him and gave him a small smile. "It's okay," you told him. "I'll just be right outside," Steve said. You nodded and watched as Steve left.

You looked over at Tony who let out a sigh. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow, " you told him.

Tony nodded and laid down as you left the bedroom. Steve was right outside and he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you two were in there."

You smiled at Steve and said, "It's okay, really. Just do me a favor and watch him tonight, he needs rest. He has had a lot to drink." Steve nodded and you thanked him before leaving, back to your house.

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