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You woke up at seven o'clock the next morning. You took a shower and blow-dried your hair before you picked out your favorite outfit.

It was a cute red dress that said gorgeous and sexy, but professional girl here. You loved the outfit and you topped it off with some red heels.

You did your hair elegantly and applied the make-up you wore. When you thought you looked great, you checked the time. It was 8:30 AM. You decided it was time to leave. You grabbed your keys and your purse and drove to Stark's Tower, which, like always in New York City, was a nightmare.

You parked about a mile away because the parking by Stark Tower was so full. You walked into the tower and you were immediately greeted with smiles.

You walked to the front desk in the lobby. "How can I help you?" the woman there asked. "Hi, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I -," you started, but the lady cut you off.

"Oh, of course, you are Mr. Stark's new assistant," the lady said. "Assistant?" you asked, you were shocked. You weren't expecting to be Tony's assistant. You thought you were going to be lower in the company, at the highest the assistant to the assistant.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" the woman asked. You shook your head no, and the woman said, "Alright, well then, let's take you up to Mr. Stark's office."

"Okay," you replied, and the woman led you to an elevator. You went up many floors and then finally the elevator dinged. The woman stepped off first and you followed, but she stopped suddenly.

You were looking down at the floor, nearly bumping into her, and you looked up when you heard the woman say, "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. I didn't realize you had a meeting today."

You saw that Tony was there, along with the rest of the Avengers. "That's okay, Lucy, did you need something?" Tony asked in a casual tone.

She motioned over to you, and you stood up straight as all the Avengers looked at you too. "Your new assistant is here," the woman named Lucy said. "Oh!" Tony said.

"Thanks, Lucy, I will take it from here," Tony said before flashing a smile at Lucy. She smiled back and left you...alone...with the Avengers.

"So, what do you think of the Tower?" Tony asked. You inhaled for a second before replying, "It's amazing. The amount of technology you put into it must have cost a fortune."

Tony smiled and said, "It's not that much when you are a billionaire." You gave a slight smile and looked over at all of the other Avengers who were rolling their eyes at Tony.

Tony followed your gaze and looked over at his friends. "Oh, I'm sorry, come on over here so I can introduce you," Tony said motioning for you to walk over to him.

You did as he asked and walked over next to him. He placed a hand on the back of your shoulder and said, "Guys, this is Y/N, my new assistant." The Avengers smiled at you, and Natasha was the first one to talk.

She walked over to you and extended her hand. "I'm Natasha," she said. You smiled and shook her hand. Captain America was next. "Steve Rogers," he said as he shook your hand.

Hawkeye was next. "I'm Clint, and good luck with Tony," he said as he shook your hand. You let out a small chuckle and looked at Tony who rolled his eyes at Clint.

Thor was the next one to introduce himself. "I am Thor, from Asgard," he said, as he shook your hand. His hand was massive compared to yours and his strength caused your whole arm to move when he shook your hand.

"Wow, careful there Thor. Please don't break her," Tony said as he took your arm from Thor. "Sorry," Thor replied. "It's okay," you replied as you flashed him a smile.

"Lastly, we have the big guy," Tony said as he motioned towards the Hulk. "Doctor Banner, it's a pleasure to meet you, I have always admired your work," you said as he shook your hand. "Thank you, that means a lot," Bruce replied.

"Well, guys this has been fun, but I would like to show Y/N around if you don't mind," Tony said. "Of course," Natasha said as she practically pushed all of the boys out of the room. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N," Natasha said before she left as well.

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