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You came to work the next morning and found Tony awake and in a happy mood. You smelt something delicious as you walked inside the room.

"Mr. Stark?" you asked. "Good morning," he said coming to you. "What's that smell?" you asked. "It's the breakfast I'm cooking for you," Tony replied. "You didn't have to cook me breakfast," you said with a smile.

"Yes, I did," Tony replied. You thanked him as he led you to the dining room and served you a plate. "There you go, Ms. Y/L/N," Tony said. You looked at Tony and said, "Woah, since when did I become, Ms. Y/L/N?" you asked.

"Since you decided to keep calling me Mr. Stark," Tony replied. "Touché," you said. Tony chuckled and you asked, "So what do you want to do today?" you asked. "I'm having a party tonight, and I want you to come," Tony said.

"Really?" you asked Tony. "Yep, and I am also giving you the rest of the day off to get ready for it," Tony told you. 'Why?" you asked. "Because it is the least I can do to thank you for helping me get over Pepper," Tony replied.

"Okay," you said with a smile. You both finished your breakfast, and you went to pick up the dishes, but Tony stopped you. "I don't think so Ms. Y/L/N, it's my turn to do the dishes," Tony said. "I already told you it's my job, and you're right the whole last name thing is annoying," you said, taking the dishes back.

"I know it is, and last time I checked, I gave you the day off, which means doing the dishes isn't your job today," Tony said with a smile as he took the dishes away from you. You sighed knowing that Tony defeated you.

"Fine, I will see you later...Tony," you said as you walked away. Tony smiled hearing you call him by his first name. "Goodbye Y/N!" Tony called, and you smiled at hearing him call you by your first name again.

You were about to enter the elevator when Tony came up to you. "I forgot to tell you. Where a red dress tonight. Red looks good on you," Tony said, before going back to the kitchen. You smiled and felt the blush on your face.

You got in the elevator and took it down to the garage where you quickly got in your car and went home. You looked through all of your dresses, and finally found one that you thought was cute. It was a red dress that stopped right above your knees.

It was a V-cut and had a crisscross, open back, and the dress fit you perfectly, making sure to outline the best features of your body. You styled your hair elegantly and topped the outfit off with some cute red heels.

You wore some hooped earrings and put on your make-up. When you thought you looked good, you looked at the time. There were still about forty-five minutes until the party started, so you decided to go see an old friend of yours.

You went to the small diner where you used to work. Luckily, there weren't a lot of people at the diner, so it would be easy to talk to your best friend, Mary.

"Well, well, if it isn't the girl who left," Mary said with a small smirk. "Mary," you said smiling at her. You walked over to the young woman.

"How are you Y/N?" Mary asked. "I'm good, how are you?" you replied. "Same as always," she answered. "So what brings you back to this diner?" Mary asked.

"Honestly, I need a friend," you told her. "Okay," she replied, taking you over to an empty table and sitting down with you. "What's going on?" Mary asked.

You let out a small sigh before telling Mary all about you, and Tony. You started with the job offer and ended with breakfast this morning, giving her every single detail about everything that happened in between.

"Wow," Mary breathed out when you had finished telling your story. "So let me get this straight, you and Tony have had a few cute moments, and now you think your falling for him?" Mary asked.

You nodded your head slowly. "Y/N he is like the biggest player in all of New York," Mary told you. "I know, but he was so sweet. Ugh, I'm such an idiot. What should I do?" you asked her, putting your face in your hands.

"First of all, you are not an idiot, and second of all, you are going to go to that party and find out if Tony really likes you or not," Mary told you. "But what if he doesn't like me,?" you asked. "Then you're going to come right back here, and I am going to help you get over him," Mary told you.

You smiled and got up from the table. You hugged Mary and thanked her, before you left to go to Tony's party.

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