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You followed Tony as he began leading you around the tower. "So, did you have any trouble getting here?" Tony asked. "No, I mean besides the regular NYC traffic, it was really easy for me to get here," you replied. "Good," Tony said.

He walked into a large room that had a flat-screen TV and sofas as well as a bar and a huge window. "This is the living room," Tony said. You looked in awe at the room. It was bigger than your entire apartment.

Tony pulled you over to the window where you could literally see all of New York. Tony looked down at the street in front of the Tower. "Where's your car?" Tony asked.

"Oh, I had to park about a mile away, because there was no parking left," you explained. "What? Okay, from now on, drive around to the back of the building, show the camera your ID, and then the door to my personal garage will open," Tony said.

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Stark," you said. Tony turned and looked at you. "It's just Tony," he said, but it didn't feel right, calling your boss by his first name.

Tony then showed you his lab. "It's amazing," you told him, looking at all of his machines and gadgets that were in the lab.

"Thanks, it took a while for me to build it perfectly," Tony replied. "What's that for?" you asked, pointing to a chair that was set up. Tony looked at the chair and went over to sit on it. You watched Tony and he took off his shirt.

You averted your eyes, but they eventually found their way back to Tony's bare chest again. You saw that Tony had an arc reactor in his chest.

Out of curiosity, you walked closer to Tony. "An arc reactor," you stated. "It's the thing that is keeping me alive," Tony said. You continued to look at the design of the reactor.

"You can touch it," Tony said. You thought it would be awkward, but this was one of the things you have always wanted to see. You gently placed your hand on the device.

"This is incredible," you said. Tony was silent for a second, which made you look up at him. When you looked up, you realized that Tony's face was only a couple of inches away from yours, and his eyes were gazing into yours.

You stayed there for a second before retracting your hand and taking a step back. Tony cleared his throat and you said, "So what else is there in this Tower?" you asked. Tony was about to answer you when a woman with red hair came into the lab.

"Tony?" she asked. Tony stood up off of the chair and looked at the woman. She saw that his shirt was off, and asked, "What's going on here?"

"Oh, this is my new assistant Y/N. I was showing her the arc reactor, she is amazing with technology," Tony explained. "Oh, I'm Pepper, Tony's other assistant, and girlfriend" the woman said, coming over to you and shaking your hand. "Y/N," you replied.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, but do you mind if I borrow Tony?" Pepper asked. "No, of course, go ahead. I'll just check out the rest of the tower," you said as you left the lab.

You got lost in the large tower and by the time you found your way back to the living room, it was already nighttime. You continued to walk towards the elevator until you saw Tony sitting at the bar, and he looked bad.

"Tony?" you asked, coming over to him. "Y/N? What are you still doing here?" he asked. "I kind of got lost," you admitted sheepishly. "That's okay, it's a big tower," Tony said, and then he got quiet.

"Is everything okay?" you asked after a few moments. Tony looked at you and said, "Pepper broke up with me."

You gave Tony a sympathetic look. "Oh. I'm really sorry, did she say why?" you asked, trying to comfort him. He shrugged his shoulders before replying, "Something to do with me being too involved with my job, and how it's too stressful for her. It makes sense, I just didn't see it coming." "She's crazy for breaking up with you," you stated, attempting to make him feel better. "Thanks, Y/N, but if you don't mind, I kind of want to be alone tonight," he said.

"Of course, I completely understand," you said with a small smile. You walked over to the elevator and pushed the button.

"Y/N?" Tony asked. "Yes?" you questioned. "I like that dress. Thought you should know," Tony said. You smiled at him, and said, "Thanks." Then the elevator doors opened and you left, going back home, happy.

You felt bad for Tony, but it had been a great day. You felt like you made a good first impression on Tony, you got a tour of the Tower, and you got to meet all of the Avengers. You didn't know how you got here in life, but you sure as hell were not going to complain about it.  

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