Mr and Mrs Tease

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Lacey's POV

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Lacey's POV

"Hey Lace. How was your weekend?" Chasity asks me while leaning on the red locker beside mine.

"Well... Luke and I kissed."

I close my locker and see Chasity's shocked face. Her mouth wide open and her eyes too.

"What?! Ew! Why?"

"I dunno in the moment I guess?" I pick one foot up and lean back on the locker.

"How? What were you two doing?"

"He was on top of me and tickling me. Then all of sudden we just kissed."

"What was it like?"

"Kissing my brother. Me and Luke are like brother and sister. It felt weird. But we both started laughing and saying how we would never do that again."

"Oh! You scared me! I mean ew that's my brother and you're my best friend. I would be okay with it eventually but today is not that day. Plus you two look better as brother and sister. Not a couple."

"Yeah that's what I thought. Lets get to class."

The day went by fast, it's already 5th period.

Ew history.

We enter the class and walk towards the back of the classroom. She sits at the table in front of mine, which is the last table.

"Hello ladies." Jase sits in the seat beside me.

"Hey." Chasity says and turns around in her seat to face the front.

"Hey J. What's up?"


A few minutes passes between us. Well this is awkward.

"So this weekend was fun?" He asks.

"I guess so." I frown.

"How was kissing Luke?" He has a mad jealous look on his face. Haha it looks like he's constipated.

I burst out laughing. "What?" He asks. I continue laughing while he pouts.

"Wow J that was funny. That kiss was an accident. It just happened and it was weird. We both thought it was like kissing a sibling. Then we laughed about it. That's when you and the guys walked in."

He smiles hugely and turns to the front thinking I didn't see him. "Oh okay cool."

I laugh silently to myself at his facial expressions. The teacher finally walks in and starts the class.

"Today we will be watching a video for the rest of class. If you fall asleep you get detention." She starts the video. It's like a war, so the movie is loud enough that she wouldn't be able to hear people talking.

"So Jase..." I put my hand on his thigh slowly moving it up. He takes a sharp intake of breath. I decided to have fun and tease him. "What was the problem? Were you jealous or something?"

"N-no w-why w-ould I be jealous?" He stammers.

"I think you are Jasey." I move my hand up more.

All of sudden I'm in his lap straddling him. Our breath mingling. Him smirking while I am still recovering from shock.

"Okay I admit I was a little bit jealous. But princess it is not a good idea to tease me." His hands slowly move down my sides and freeze at my hips.


"Because I'll punish you." He kisses my cheek.

"Punish me huh? I'd like to see you try."

He raises an eyebrow and makes a face like he's saying 'Game on.'

He starts to kiss down my neck. I bite my lip to hold a moan as he nibbles on a spot between my neck and shoulder. One of his hands move down and hold my butt as the other sneaks up my shirt. He kiss further down my chest to wear some cleavage shows because of my v-neck t-shirt. I gasp as he squeezes my butt.

"Give up yet princess?" I nod not being able to talk. "No more teasing right?" I hesitate. His warm hand moves up closer to my bra making me shiver. I nod once again. "Good."

I grab his face with both my hands and pull his face closer to mine. He kisses me while pulling me to his body. He nibbles on my bottom lip an I open. Our tongues mingle together as I grind against him. He groans and moves the hand that was on my butt to my hair.

A throat clears as we break apart and realize we're still in school. Better yet a classroom. Wow that's embarrassing. I turn to see the class still watching the movie and the teacher on her computer. Well who was that?

"Wow guys. Having sex in a classroom full of people. Kinky."

I slightly turn my head to see Chasity smirking at us.

And now I will be bombarded with questions once school is over. Help?


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