Where are you

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Lacey's POV

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Lacey's POV

I pack my bags quietly because everyone is still asleep. I finish packing and write a letter which has tear stains all over it because I can't stop crying. Don't judge me I'm about to leave ten people I love dearly.

I know you're thinking don't but I can't let Jase's baby end up like me. Hoping and wishing she or he never lost one of her parents. It is the worst pain in the world.

I put the letter and my acceptance letter in an envelope then under my pillow on my bed. I know once I'm gone Duke will find out and tell Jase then they will look for me. Jase will investigate my room and then get tired and sit on my bed. He's lazy and predictable.

I put my bags by the front door, tiptoe upstairs to my moms room and kiss her cheek then do the same to Duke. I lock the door after I leave the house and put my bags in my car. Hurrying over to Jase's house, I pull out the keys I have then unlock the door and tip toe to his room. I kiss his cheek and turn to walk out the room. I take one last look at him and start to cry again.

I hurry out the house and put my keys under the mat at the front door. I won't be needing these anymore.

I get in my car and drive to Hope's house. I write on a piece of paper 'You got what you wanted. You win.' and leave it on her doorstep. She'll know who it's from.

I drive to the airport and meet Lance there. He helps me with my bags and then we both get on the plane. No we're not together again. He is also going to Julliard.

Sitting in the airplane, I stare out the window and watch as the town I grew up in disappears.

Jase's POV

"Hey man." Duke comes in my room and lays on my bed.

"Uh hey. I'm about to go see Lace so are you gonna stay here or...?" I say putting on some jeans and a black shirt.

"Oh! Uh... You see... Um she's not there." Duke tries not to make eye contact with me.

"Well where is she?"

"I dunno. My mom and I have been calling her non stop and she hasn't picked up. All her clothes are gone and some pictures in her room."

"What? Where do you think she went?"

"I dunno man."

"I'll help you look for her."

He nods.

"She'll be okay bro."

He nods again.

We both leave my house and get in my truck. We ride around town for an hour then try all of our friends houses. Still no luck.

"Maybe there's a clue to where she is in her room."

"I dunno man it was pretty empty."

We get to Lacey's room and I open the door. Duke was right it is empty. Her bed is still there but is neatly put together. Her desk is empty with only a lamp on it. Her closet is missing a lot of clothes but still has a few. Her bathroom is empty.

Feeling tired I sit on her bed which makes her pillow falls off. Under it was an envelope. Hurrying and picking it up I open the envelope to see a paper that looks handwritten then another that is typed.

I read the handwritten one but all it says is,

'Dear Chasity, Wes, Luke, Freddy, Catherine, John, Taylor, Duke, Mom, and lastly Jase. I'm sorry for leaving. But I had to. When I come back I will explain but for now don't follow me.'

There's wet stains probably tears all over the paper.

I look at the typed paper and read 'Congratulations Lacey Robertson. You have been accepted into Julliard the School of Performing Art.'

"What's it say?" Duke interrupts my reading.

"She went to college in New York."

And she's crazy if she thinks I'm not following her.


Sorry the chapters so short. It's not really important you should've already guessed Lacey was leaving! Sorry don't hate me! It's all apart of the plan! Love ya'll! 😘

 It's not really important you should've already guessed Lacey was leaving! Sorry don't hate me! It's all apart of the plan! Love ya'll! 😘

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