Forgive and Forget Part 2

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Hope's POV

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Hope's POV

River woke me up and told me he was leaving to get us something to eat seeing as he only had Chinese leftovers in his fridge. I'm sitting in his room watching TV until I hear a knock on the door downstairs. I hurry down the stairs and open the door to see Lacey holding Ivy.

"Um hi? What are you doing here?" I answer shyly. Like I said before I'm done being a bitch.

She looks surprised at me but continues to talk.

"Um well I went to your house to let you see Ivy and so we can talk. But your parents were there to my surprise. And I just found out that I really don't like your mom."

I move out the way and grab her arm to pull her inside the house. She sits on the couch in the living room and sets Ivy between her legs.

"Wow. I mean... Thank you for letting me see Ivy. I have no idea how you got everyone to let me at least see her."

"Hope... I know you. You were just like me. That's why we were best friends. I know you would never ever give up your first child on your own. I know that you were probably going to hell and back just thinking about Ivy. You know?"

"Yeah I know... I was thinking and asking myself 'Did I make the right decision?' and I think I did. You and Jase are the perfect parents. Your what Ivy needs. Right now I don't even have a place to live. I mean I'm with River but I hate being a burden on people. That's why I couldn't come to you for help when I needed you years ago."

"Wait what? What do you mean? Are you referring to when we were best friends?"

"Yeah. You remember I did things with Lance?"

She grimaces and then nods. "Yeah I remember that's why I moved schools and started to hate you."

"Well you remember the day of the party when you came to my house."

"Um not really. You see I was in a car crash and I lost my memory so I can't really remember something like that but if you explain a little more I can maybe remember bits and pieces of it."

"Wait but how do you remember me? Or that we were friends before?"

"I'm slowly gaining my memory back. It helps to talk about it, or see pictures or something that will remind me of things before."

"Oh okay. Well that day you came to my house... my mom and I were arguing about me ruining your life. I really didn't want to but my mom said if I didn't she would throw me out of the house."

"And your dad just agreed?!" Lacey asks angrily.

"Well yeah. He doesn't really care about me. Just my mom. So... but anyways I did what she said and had sex with Lance after I lied to him. I didn't want to because you loved him and I was your best friend. But I had no where else to go." I start to cry and so does Lacey.

"You could've came to me and I would've helped... or my mom would've let you stay."

"No! You had just lost your dad and I would've been a burden."

"No you wouldn't. You were like a sister to me."

"I know you were to me too."

"Your mom's crazy." Lacey laughs to herself.

I join and laugh after a second. Then Ivy giggles along with us.

"She's beautiful. She looks just like you and Jase. I talked to Jase and we think... well I think that when Ivy turns 5 we can tell her that your her real mom."

I look at Ivy. She's so adorable and cute. But I don't deserve her. She's in good hands with Lacey and Jase.

"Sure but after that you'll still be her mom too. You deserve her. I'm not raising her. I don't deserve any credit. I'm just the egg donor. No matter how weird that sounds."

Lacey sits Ivy beside her then leans towards me and hugs me. I hug her back tightly not wanting to let go.

"I missed you." I whisper.

"Well now you won't have to. I forgive you."


Sorry it's such a short chapter!! I'll make another one and update hopefully by tomorrow!! Love y'all.

Sorry it's such a short chapter!! I'll make another one and update hopefully by tomorrow!! Love y'all

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