I Forgive You...I Forgive You Not

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Lacey's POV

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Lacey's POV

I woke up to Jase's arms around my waist. I forgot what happened yesterday, so I pushed him off my bed. Then I kicked him out my house. Oh I remember... I lost my necklace.

I know he must've been comforting me, but I'm still mad at him plus I have a boyfriend to comfort me now.

I call Lance and he comes over immediately.

"What's wrong beautiful?" He asks as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"You know the necklace my dad gave me?" He nods. "I can't find it anywhere and I've never lost it before."

"Don't worry I'll help you look for it."

He helps me look around my room again and still no necklace.

"How about a distraction for now?"

"What kind of distraction?" I ask him.

"The beach."

I get dressed in a two piece black bathing suit. The top has no straps with a gold ring in the middle and the bottom has two gold rings on each side of my hip. Then I put on faded shorts and a halter top.

Lance opened my door for me, I thanked him and got in. The whole way there was a comfortable silence between us. He parks and helps me out. I sit down at the perfect spot where you see the yellow orange sun. Lance sits beside me but doesn't talk. He knows I'm really in no mood to. I take off my shorts and shirt then lay back in the warm sand.

"Lance can you lay down?" He nods and takes off his shirt then lays on his back. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes listening to his steady heartbeat and the crash of the waves.

"I'm sorry if I'm acting like a brat or something."

"I understand. You lost something very valuable to you. You don't have to keep your emotions all bottled up baby. Just let it out." He kisses my forehead as tears slowly run down my face. I start to sob as he pulls me on top of him and rubs my back.

"Shh I promise you, you will find your necklace." He wipes the tears off my face and kisses my eyelids then my cheeks.

"Thank you."

"No problem it's what I'm here for." I laugh.

"Wanna go for a swim?" He nods so I get off him and help him up.

When I least expect it he puts me on his shoulder and runs to the water. He throws me in the water and then dives in. I resurface to the top and look around the empty water.

"Lance?" I call out and hear nothing. I look around the empty beach then feel something on my leg. It pulls me under the water by my ankle.

I see Lance underwater and wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me as he arms tighten around my waist. We kissed underwater. I never thought it would be so cool and so romantic. But it was.

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