The Choice Continued

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Lacey's POV

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Lacey's POV

"Hope. I choose Hope." Hope laughs while Jase looks down avoiding eye contact with me.

He chooses her. Hope. Hope! Are you kidding me?! This has got to be a dream. Someone pinch me! Are we on a prank show? Because it's not funny.

I show a blank expression on my face showing no emotion. Like I don't care. But deep down inside I do care a lot!

"Is that truly what you want?" He shrugs and nods his head.

"Great!" I smile, everyone in the crowd looks at me like I'm on something.

Jase whips his head up so fast, he could've got whiplash.

"Glad you finally made your decision. However you just lost your best friend. But don't worry, you have Hope. For now anyways. Until she cheats on you. Not like she hasn't already. I'm pretty sure she's found a way to. But keep in mind that I won't be there to make you feel better. I'd rather watch you suffer for not listening to me." I bitterly say and start to walk off. The crowd moves to the side and I stop.

"Everyone better get the fuck out of my house in less than 10 minutes or I'm kicking all of your asses!"

Jetting past everyone I walk downstairs to the game room. The guys come in along with Chas, who looks just as sad and angry as I do.

My heart is broken into a million pieces.

The guys are trying to comfort me by talking to me. But I don't want to talk. I want to mope around crying my eyes out, while eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. They have been here for a whole hour. AND talking non-stop. I know they're trying to help but I can't take this anymore.

I walk out the door to my black Volvo SC90. Speeding away I go to the one place I know no one will be.


Sorry this chapter is so short but that's all you need to know for now! Was your choice correct? Did Jase pick the right person?

Love ya'll 😘



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