The Accident

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Thanksgiving Day

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Thanksgiving Day

November 27

Jase's POV

I sit at the table in Lacey and Duke's house. My parents are seated beside me. My four month old daughter is on my lap asleep. Chasity, Wes, and Freddy are across from me. Duke is beside me on the end of the table next to an empty seat. The other end is where his and Lacey's mom, Sam, is seated next to Luke. I told Lance about the dinner but it seems like he got himself a girlfriend and is meeting her parents. I wonder how Lacey is doing. I haven't heard from her since I left. Or since she yelled at me to leave.

Hope had the baby four months ago. It's a girl. Her name is Ivy and she has hazel eyes and brown hair. So I got custody and Ivy Rodriguez is now my full responsibility. When Ivy was born she started crying and Hope said that it was too much noise and to shut the thing up. You don't how much I wanted to hurt her. That was only piece of why I got full custody of Ivy and Hope hasn't contacted me since. I guess she really doesn't care about the baby. Most moms and their babies would have a connection so strong that you would never be able to break them apart. But not her. How can you give birth to the baby look into his/her eyes and then instantly be like 'Ew take it away before it throws up on me or something!'

"So how are you Jase? College okay?" Sam asks me.

"I'm fine. And college is fine. I'm playing basketball more since it's about to be winter. I'm trying to graduate so I can be a coach for maybe middle or high school."

"That's amazing. I know you'll be perfect for the job."

"Thanks Sam." She nods.

"Ivy doing okay?"

"Yep she's fine. She doesn't cry much any more. She's really quiet but sweet." I look down at her sleeping figure lovingly.

"That's because she's no where near the devil." Duke murmurs.

"Who's the devil honey?" Sam asks Duke.

"Ivy's mother. Hope."

We all laugh and then the good mood falls.

"Have any of you talked to Lacey?" My mom asks looking at everyone seated at the table. The guys shake their heads.

She hasn't even contacted Duke? She didn't tell him she was leaving and hasn't talked to him recently. Not even her mom.

Chasity avoids eye contact as she shakes her head fast. She has a guilty look on her face.

"Chas... You would tell us if she talked to you right?" I use my desperate depressed face and voice.

"Uh I umm..." She stammers. "Jase... You remember that you were going to tell her that you get full custody of the baby but she left. She left because of Hope. She said that Hope told her that she couldn't take the baby's father away from the baby and that Lacey knows how it feels...since her dad died. And she told you to go home because she thought it was the right thing. But she said it wasn't and she started crying. It broke my heart because she sounded so sad. She said she was lonely and was complaining about how much she wanted to be through with college. She said she missed all of us so that's why she is coming" Chasity finished.

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