How Soulmates Work-Merome

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Type: Fluffy
Word Count: 1380

Mitch's POV
I roll out of bed and look in the mirror. Today is the day. I had to find my soulmate. In all honesty, I had no choice. Yesterday, my wrist was burning. That is the sign telling me that today was the day I found my soulmate. There is really no way to avoid it.

Most people enjoyed the fact that they could find their soulmate and knew the important details. I hate this. As an organized person, I enjoy that I can know what day and who it is. My wrist will start burning again. Well, technically it's not my wrist. It's a small rectangular bar that runs across my wrist.

It's basically a monitor of my soulmate's life. The different colors represent different emotions and such. Red meant that they were angry. I usually just said pissed off because the bar on my wrist turns such a vibrant red that my friends are already afraid to get my soulmate mad. Orange was annoyed. I always found it funny when my wrist turned orange because my wrist would flicker between orange and red constantly. White meant calm. I often found that my soulmate was calm when the sky was dark, early morning, or when I assume they are asleep.

Magenta was aroused. I laughed when I would see my wrist turning magenta. It was extremely funny when it go from magenta to orange. That's when I would loose my shit laughing.

Currently, my wrist was yellow. Anxious. I guess my soulmate was worried about meeting me. I wonder what color my soulmate's wrist is now. I would love to know what my emotion is right now. It was probably red or orange when I woke up. Now it's probably white. I have no fear at all. Honestly, I just want to meet my soulmate so my friends would shut up about it.

My friends being Preston and Lachlan. Their wrists were also burning yesterday. So it looks like we'll all meet our soulmates.
"MITCHELL HURRY YOUR ASS UP WILL YOU? WE WANT TO GET SOME FUCKING FOOD." I heard Lachlan yell for me downstairs. I guess he's been yelling for a while now. We don't usually cuss in front of Preston.
"I'M COMING. GET YOUR DICK OUT OF YOUR ASS!" I yelled back while walking down the stairs.
"Or is your soulmate's dick already there?" I finished my sentence once I appeared at the bottom of the steps.
"Shut up Mitchell. We all know you're going to be a power bottom." Lachlan growled. Preston just shrugged and nodded. "Let's go get food boys!" Preston announced and ran out of our house.
"SHOTGUN" Lachlan and I yelled in unison. Somehow we could never hate each other for long.


Once we arrived at the restaurant, we sat down and Preston pointed out a group of guys. They were a group of three and were sitting at the table directly across from ours. One of them was a little taller than Preston, he had a beard, brown hair and brown eyes. He seemed to keep starring at Preston, before looking back and talking to his friends. I noticed him point at his wrist once or twice.

Then there was another boy. He seemed to be listening intently to what the other boy was saying. He was much shorter than the other two and had a mocha skin tone. His hair was black and his eyes were brown. I noticed how he and Lachlan would lock eyes and look away blushing, I could have sworn Lachlan's wrist turned pink. Pink was the color that meant you met your soulmate.

Then there was the last boy. He didn't seem to be listening to either of his friends who were freaking out around him. He had a large nose a snap back on. He seemed to be around my height. That's when I noticed where he was looking. His friends were trying to get his attention and were pointing at all three of their wrists. The boy with snap back was looking right at me. He was starring directly at ME.
I looked away with a blush on my face. When I looked back again, he winked.

I looked at Preston and Lachlan who were pointing at our wrists as well. I saw a light pink tint on all of our wrists. "Hey. How are you gorgeous?" A voice spoke up. It was the boy with the snap back. I noticed his friends were with him. The shorter boy was starring at Lachlan and the brown haired boy seemed as though he couldn't look away from Preston.
"Mind if we take a seat?" The boy with the snap back asked. Lachlan moved over and indicated that the mocha boy could sit next to him. I watched Preston do the same to brown haired boy.

I nodded and let the boy with the snap back sit by me. "Hey." I started to speak."I'm Mitch."
Lachlan and Preston introduced themselves to the group as well. "I'm Vik" the  mocha skinned boy spoke up. "Rob." The bearded boy said.
"And I'm Jerome." The boy with the snap back suddenly had a name. Jerome. Something about that sticks out to me.

I soon felt a burning sensation on my wrist.
"FUCK" I heard Lachlan exclaim. Everyone looked at his wrist along with Vik's. They were both soulmate pink. "That's one hell of a way to find out my friends." The boy I now knew as Rob said. "Sure is Robby." Preston responded.

"Okay actually, OW." Rob said looking at his wrist. Lachlan had dragged Vik over to another table and they had started talking and ordering food. My attention turned to Preston and Rob's wrists. Yet again, they were soulmate pink.

"OTP OTP OTP" Jerome started chanting. They both blushed and moved to another table.

"I guess that just leaves us" I stated. " I guess so biggums." Jerome responded, moving closer to me. "OKAY ACTUALLY WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jerome screamed. I looked at his wrist and then mine. Soulmate pink.

"We're soulmates, biggums" I told him.
"I'm okay with that." Jerome said laughing. "Now can we order some food?" I nodded my head. "Oh yeah and Mitch?" Jerome pressed on. "What's up, G?"

"Tell me about yourself." Jerome stated as I told him about everything and anything.


That's the story of how Preston, Lachlan and I met our soulmate. Ten years later, we are all youtubers. We have ship names and have made lives for ourselves.

Poofless: The two got married 2 years after meeting. Rob and Preston went on to have twins. Preston nagged Rob for months about having kids, a cat, and a dog.  So for their 4 year anniversary, Rob got Preston a cat named Trevor, a dog named Tobi, and two twin girls named Stephanie and Samantha. Preston and Rob both still have jobs, but Preston does less work in order to care for the kids.

Vikklan: Lachlan and Vik started dating a year after they met. At first they just were fuck buddies. We still tease them about it. Lachlan proposed to Vik after a year of dating. Vik obviously said yes and they adopted a young girl named Victoria. She's now a teenager and when she came out as a lesbian, Lachlan basically flipped his shit screaming that Victoria was "following in her dad's footsteps except backwards because ew vagina."

Merome: I guess that leads to Jerome and I. We got married a year after dating. Jerome and I adopted our first child six months later and named her Betty. A year later, we adopted Fredrick. We still address him by his full name and he loves it. Before Fredrick, we adopted Sylvia. She was the middle child and could take care of herself at a young age. Sylvia still loves the family, even though she can do it all herself. I fell in love with my family as well as Jerome. I wouldn't change anything in the world right now. All I need is my Bacca, my biggums, my soulmate."

I finished writing and set my journal down.
"Now that's what I call a win, biggums." Jerome came into the room and gave me a kiss.

I love soulmates.

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