Daily Stress-Pooflan

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[Its absolute shit I'm sorry. ALSO KINDA SHORT]
Lachlan's POV
I was laying in our backyard. I lived with my two lovely boyfriends, Rob and Preston. Currently Rob was making some flower crowns because he truly is the Flower King. Preston was probably making food. I was just staring at the beautiful sky. I had grabbed my phone and taken a few pictures, showing the absolutely stunning ones to Rob.

Soon enough Preston came outside with headphones in. Rob was too busy with his flower crowns to pay attention to Preston but I went over and held him. He just sat in my arms with his headphones in and looked around our yard. I just sat there and held him, running my fingers through his hair and whispering about how adorable he was and how much I love him.

"I love you too Lachy." Preston said to me. Apparently he took out his headphones and had been listening to me for a while. "Robby, come here." Preston whined. "Nah Preston lets go inside." I told him. He reached his arms out to show that he wanted me to carry him. So I picked him up and told Rob to come inside the house.

We all sat on the couch, watching TV and cuddling. Once we went inside we ate dinner and immediately laid on the couch. "Guys can we play smash?" Rob whined. "Preston go turn it onnnnn." I complained slightly. "Only because I'm the only one capable of getting up right now" He groaned.

My lovely boyfriends and I played Smash for hours. At one point I fell asleep. A couple hours later I woke up to Preston on my lap, kissing my neck. "Puurston...what do you want?" I groaned in my husky morning voice. "You" he responded. Of course. Exactly what I want to deal with is a horny Preston in the morning. "Where's Rob?" I asked him. Preston pouted, "Robby went to work and didn't want anything before work. Now I want you."

Really? I want to know how Rob passed up sex with this cutie of ours. "Alright alright Preston get off of me." He pouted but he got off of me. "Why don't we wait for Robby to come home? Relieve him of that daily stress?" I smirked and Preston nodded enthusiastically. There we go. "Come on baby lets go cuddle." I pulled Preston into my arms and fell asleep again.

This time when I woke up, Rob was on the couch with me and Preston was on his lap,kissing his neck. "Lachy what did you tell him?" Rob cut in when he saw I woke up. "That we'd have a little fun when you got home." I replied cooly, walking upstairs. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Rob yelled up to me. "I'm leaving so Preston can 'take care of you'." I laughed. "Enjoy yourself Robby!" I called behind me as went into our bedroom and watched some Netflix.

At this point, all I could here were my two babies screaming and moaning. Dear god can they not do this to me?! Staying up here any longer was not happening. I'll take care of Preston and Rob *ahem* separately after their *cough* done...

[ANNDDD I'm going to stop there for safety purposes. No part 2. This was supposed to be fluff but it took a strange turn. I blame Preston.]

This was very short and I'm not proud of that. I'm publishing this early because you guys have shown me more love than I truly deserve so here ya go. <3

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