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Preston's POV

It was normal for a small pair of arms to wrap around my waist while I made our morning coffee. Vik was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen and I was proud to say that he's my boyfriend. Dating him mainly consists of cuddles and stress, but somehow that's a good mix. It sounds strange but honestly it's become so routine I forgot what I used to do.

Today was just a small day full of Netflix,work, and cuddles. Eventually, Vik got up from our relaxing but stressful day and went to bed. I stayed up and watched Netflix. There wasn't much going on until about three am, when I realized a storm was happening outside. I always found rain and thunder comforting but Vik was absolutely terrified. I automatically went into 'Dad Mode.' [yes I'm calling it that.] I frantically ran around the house searching for Vik. "VIK? VIKKY WHERE ARE YOU DOLL?" I yelled throughout the house, searching for my scared boyfriend.

Vik's POV

When the thunder started, I could not sleep. I felt helpless and Preston wasn't there to comfort me. Suddenly I ran around our room, pacing in the middle of my panic attack. I could take it anymore. I jumped into the closet by our room. I promised myself I wouldn't cry but I didn't hold up to it. My body shakes with violent, reckless sobs that didn't seem like the would stop soon.

After what felt like forever, I heard Preston shouting my name through the hallways of our house. I heard the way his feet hit the floor quickly, with no real pattern. By the sound of his footsteps, I could tell he was panicking and that he was going off of his instincts. "H-h-here..." I croaked out but by the time I spoke up, he was at the other side of the house.

"THE CLOSET" I could hear how relived Preston sounded when he thought about where I was currently hiding. "PRES-TON" My voice was hoarse and a sob interrupted my sentence. Soon Preston flung the door open and sighed in relief at seeing my face. He quickly regained his composure and pulled me out of the closet.

A loud roar of thunder flooded my ears once I stepped out. Instinctively I jumped and held onto Preston like he was my lifeline. I started sobbing harder than before as Preston tried to soothe me. "Shhhh hush doll it's okay. Nothing can hurt you. I'm here I'm here. I'm not leaving I promise. Calm down Vikky. Everything will be alright." Preston cooed in my ear.

Once the thunder stopped, Preston managed to get me to come sit on the couch with him. I cuddled up into his chest breathing in the smell of coffee and sugar, loving every second of it. "I love you so much. Thank you." I smiled up at him. "It's fine Vikky. Now get some sleep. And I love you too." Preston kissed my forehead as I fell asleep, feeling safe in the arms of my savior.

Preston's POV

I ran my hair through Vik's hair as he fell asleep. I'm so happy he's mine. I kiss his forehead again and he nuzzles closer into me, if that's possible. I sigh in content of everything I have right in front of me. I just lay there, my adorable boyfriend curled up into my chest, and turn off the TV. I smile and close my eyes, letting sleep consume me.

Soon enough I'm woken by Vik's screaming. Another nightmare. This poor boy. He's had a rough night. First the storm and now this. "Vik come on doll, wake up. It's just a nightmare come on, Vik." I shake him and he jumps. "P-P-Preston?" Vik looks so shaken and scared that I just hold him and try to comfort him into a peaceful sleep. "Shhhh is okay Vikky. Nothing's wrong, everything is fine. Just go back to sleep." He nods and falls back into a peaceful dreamland.

Yet again before I sleeping, I move the hair out of his face, kiss his forehead and drift off.

[Veston fluff and cuddles for UmbreTheWriter
You're welcome <3 (if there's a ship you want let me know in the comments).]

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