Our Pond-Poofless

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Walking in the park at one am in a dark hoodie and jeans was nothing new to me. It fell into my routine. The night air was cold, fall leaves scattered across the ground. The trees around me that created the woods seemed very menacing. The small canopy they created made it look as though the world was caving in on me. The grass lightly pressed into the ground, footstep after footstep. I heard his voice, somewhere behind me. His voice was too close for comfort.

I had just heard what he said before I broke into a sprint, headed straight for the pond. "Well doll. It's been a long time since we've been to the pond. Our pond." The wind was pounding against my skin as though it wanted to push my back. If I was being honest with myself, I wanted to go back. But I've made too many promises. I've said too many things. Made too many bets.

My body miraculously found its way to the pond. My breathing became very shallow and quick as I hauled myself against a tree. In attempts to catch my breath, I manage to hear a yell. It's a call. My name. His voice. I'm crazy. He's not calling me. Focus on your breathing. Come on. Slowly now. But there he goes again. He yells my name. He sounds closer this time. He screams my name and I hear the pat pat pat as his feet hit the grass at a rapid pace. He must be running, but my only question is why. I hear him yell my name yet again.
"Rob? ROB! Rob please!" I love him. I run to him. Screaming his name back. "Preston?! PRESTON IM SORRY"

His voice gives me hope as I run to him. He engulfs me in his arms and I feel so safe. "Please don't ever leave me" I give him a smile and kiss him. I really never want to let him go. "I would have said yes. In fact I said yes the minute you ran." I love him so much. He's mine now. Forever. I love him.

"I love you, Preston." He smiles. We have another kiss. I shouldn't have run. I should have stood up and took care of the situation. It doesn't matter now.
I love him so much. When we finally pull away from the kiss we walk, hand in hand, to our pond.

We sit and watch the sun slowly set. He's snuggled up into my side with my arm around him. It's so picture perfect. That's when I hear a camera snap. I ignore it until I hear "THATS A WRAP PEOPLE" and I pull away from the love of my life.

"I love you Robby." Preston gives me a smile as we finished filming. We were starring in a short film for our friend, Lachlan. It was truly perfect and we were happy to help him out. "Thanks guys." Lachlan walked up to us. "Anyways filming is over and I have to edit out the times Preston started crying in fear of actually losing you." He laughed and I put an arm around Preston. "Sounds good. Send us a final copy?" I smiled. "You know it."

Preston and I walked out with smiles on our faces and went home, waiting for Lachlan to send us the footage. The entire time all I thought about was the fact that my character had proposed to Preston's character. I couldn't help but feel that Lachlan had dropped a major hint that I should.

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