So, I didn't.-Bajanless

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1671 words
Genre: the fluff is unreal
Warnings: long, unedited because it's long, yet another unpopular and underrated ship, extremely fluffy and cute, those weak of heart should proceed with caution due to adorableness

When I came out to my family, they had... mixed reactions. My brother congratulated me, patting my shoulder and saying that he would still love me no matter what. He did exactly what anyone would hope and / or expect their immediate family to do.
My father was a little more formal? with how he congratulated me. He warned me to be cautious when flying to other countries and, while he didn't name any names, I knew what he was talking about.

My mother, however, stared at me for quite some time before asking if she could speak to me - privately. The first thing she did was hug me, saying that she still loved me as well and would do anything for me. I nodded and broke the silence left after her outburst.

"What did you want to speak privately about?"

My mother immediately unwrapped her arms from my waist and motioned for me to follow her into the kitchen. She sat down at one end of the table, then motioning for me to sit across from her. A strong scent of vanilla filled my nostrils and I could only assume it was from the tiny candle burning on the kitchen counter.

"Mom? What did you want to tell me?"

"You know how I told you - and I think your brother - at one point that I wanted a girl for a personal reason. And do you remember that I never told you that personal reason?"

"Yeah...what does this have to do with me being gay?"

"Well. I wanted a girl because I - how do I word this?"

My mother sat for moment, her hand supporting her head as she stared at an empty wall. Moments later, her hand left her head and her stare met mine.

"I had some dating advice for her, if she was straight and now that you're gay - and will obviously date men - I wanted to tell you my advice. Is that okay?"

"Yes, mom. Anything you wanna tell me. I'm all ears."

She smiled happily. I really couldn't help wanting to make her smile like that, she is my mother after all.

"Don't fall for the guys with heart fluttering smiles and bright, angelic blues eyes. Their loyalties don't lie deep - especially if all the girls and / or guys want them - and soon heart fluttering will be heart shattering. Then blue eyes will remind you of grey skies."

"Don't fall for the guys with an obsession over fast cars, money or other pointless objects. You'll love their possessions more than them, and it's harder to get over some pair of four hundred dollar sneakers than to get over a person who didn't love you as much as those shoes."

"Don't fall for the guys with pretty smiles that can have half the building want to tear their clothes off. They're more than shinning white teeth and the perfect dimple."

"Don't fall for the guys who are some of your best friends. They are your best friends and anything romantic most likely won't happen - and if it does - it most definitely will not turn out well."

"Now I've told you all do this, and yet I know how much crushes suck. I know you can't control them and I know for a fact one you'll fall for one of these guys before you die. But at least now, when you're eyeing up the the blue eyed angel in the corner of the bar, maybe you'll think of what I've told you and think twice."

I was nearly in tears. My hands were shaking and I was hanging on every word leaving her cracked lips. I couldn't find my voice, so I nodded and when I found my voice it was hoarse.

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