Chapter 5

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A loud cat's meow woke Melanie.  As she regained consciousness, yesterday's events flooded over her.  

She was flying first class!  

She remembered fondly how Tiffany's mouth had flew open when Brandon announced Melanie was flying first class with them.  They were picking her up this morning and swinging by the office to say goodbye to The Team.

She realized she had been too busy over the last few days to text Jake, and he had maintained an uncharacteristic radio silence.  She decided to text him the good news.

"Headed home via 1st class with our new boss."

There was a long delay.

"Super," was the only reply.  

Melanie wasn't sure how to take the text.  She had heard Jake use one liners before.  They were usually words like cool or hot (usually referring to a woman they pass), but never super.  It was odd.  

Maybe he's pissed I haven't texted?  

She wasn't sure how to reply so just texted, "See you soon" with a smile face emoji.

"I can't worry about it," she said out loud.  She had more important things to worry about--like what to wear.  The Tiffany bobblehead popped into her mind.  "I think it would be super if you wore those red shoes again," she taunted.  Melanie ignored her. 

What do you wear when flying first class?  

She pondered it should be something casual and stylish, cool and confident, chic and classy.  Surveying the contents of her suitcase, she realized she owned nothing that fell into these categories.  She chose a pair of khaki pants, white button down shirt, and navy blazer instead.  The last thing she put on was the diamond art deco necklace that had been her mothers and grandmothers.  She mused they would all fly first class together for the first time.

She ordered her usual breakfast, and like clockwork, Chin was standing at her door ten minutes later. 

His mother is going to be so upset I'm leaving.   

"Morning Ms. Melanie," Chin said cheerfully.  He wheeled the cart into her room and began their morning routine.  "Are you working again today?"

The aroma of fresh coffee and waffles filled the room.  She was going to miss having breakfast delivered.  "No, Chin.  I'm actually going home today."

Chin spilled the coffee he was pouring.  It splashed over Melanie's cup and onto the white linen tablecloth.  "I' sorry."  

"It's ok.  Don't worry about it."  

"It's a sad're leaving."  He sighed as he poured her a cup of coffee.  "You'll get to see your boyfriend again.  Uh...Jake.   That will make you happy."

At first, Melanie didn't know what he was talking about, but then remembered the little white lie she had told when Chin proposed and suggested they (and her tip money) live happily-ever-after.  "Oh ya.  I can't wait to boyfriend, Jake.  I'm so excited," she gushed.

"Good.  Good.  You need anything else Ms. Melanie?  He said as he held out his hand. 

"No, thank you Chin."  She handed him an even bigger tip and for a moment thought he might hug her goodbye.

"Take care of yourself Chin."

"You too."

After he left, Melanie glanced at her iPhone.  It was almost time for the limo to pick her up.  She crammed everything in the giant pink suitcase and had to sit on it to get it closed.

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