Chapter 8

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"Uh...what. What did you say?" Melanie asked dumfounded.

Brandon looked down at her. "I want to go on a date with you."

"With me?"

"Yes, I'd like to see you socially...if that's acceptable to you."

There must be some mistake.

"Me," she asked again, not quite wrapping her head around the concept.

"Would you like a written invitation," Brandon teased.

"No, no," she replied.

"No, you don't want to go out with me?" Brandon questioned.

"No, I mean yes." Melanie clarified. "No, I don't need a written invitation. And yes, I'd love to go out with you."

"Oh good," Brandon ran a hand through his hair. "You had me worried for a minute," he laughed. "I've got a conference call tonight with the Singapore marketing team. It starts at four o'clock and will take about two hours. I was thinking I could have my driver run you up to your apartment during the meeting, so you could change. There's a small Italian place in North Beach I'd like to take you too. He paused and smiled. "If that's acceptable?"

"Yes, oh yes, yes," she blurted out.

For God's sake, quit saying yes like you just found the elusive G-spot.

"Great! Got to get back to work now--lots to do." He started walking back towards Dan's office. "See you at lunch."

She headed back to her office and sat down at the desk. Melanie was so confused. Did Brandon really ask her out? Why her? She was definitely no Tiffany. She wasn't even sure they were from the same planet. She tried to email Jin Kat back but was having trouble focusing on anything. Her mind kept coming back to the same question.

Why me?

She pushed out her chair and almost ran down the hallway to Jake's office. The door was still shut; she opened it without knocking.

Jake looked up from the computer. "Mel, glad you're here. Hey, do you think Barbie would like French or Italian food." He glanced back down to the screen where he looking for restaurants on Yelp. "I can't decide. And since she's your new BFF...I thought you might know."

Melanie ignored his question and instead blurted out, "Do you think I'm fat?"

For the third time that morning, Jake burst out in hysterical laughter. "Mel, you're killing me today."

"I mean it Jake. Am I overweight?"

Jake tried to compose himself and got up from his chair. He walked in front of her and paused. Then looked her up-and-down. "Uh...can you turn around." His hand did a little circle motion.

Melanie reached out and punched him in the arm.

"Ouch!" He rubbed his arm. "Now, there's the Mel I know."

"I'm serious Jake."

He paused for a minute. "You, my dear Mel, are what we gentleman like to call voluptuous. do I explain. Think Marilyn Monroe. Filled out in all the right places." He gave her a wink. "But definitely not fat."

Melanie wasn't sure what to say.

"Wait...did someone call you fat." Anger flashed in his eyes. "Was it Barbie?"

"No, no."

Not exactly.

Melanie recalled how Tiffany had said it was refreshing she wasn't worried about her weight. But remembering her deal with Tiffany, she didn't mention it.

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