Chapter 12

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Jake staggered back like he had been stabbed in the heart with a wood stake--similar to what happened to the vampires in Melanie's favorite TV show. It appeared to be a mortal blow.

"," Melanie stammered. She looked over at Jake who was backing away from the screen until he fell back into his chair.

"I didn't know anything about this," she pleaded.

Jake just stared straight ahead without saying a word.

She turned to Brandon, who still wore his dashing smile. "Brandon, we...uh...never talked about me being Operations Manager. That's Dan's job. I'm not management. I...uh...I write the cards."

"Now Melanie," Brandon said in the childlike voice he used on Hailey. "I think you'll agree it's the logical choice."

"I don't know..."

"We'll discuss this in my office after the meeting. You'll see it's the best choice for the company and for you."

"But, who will write the card verses? If...if I'm running the office?"

"We'll probably outsource this function. I'm not sure yet. I've got people looking into it."

A small sound that was part laugh and part sneer came from Jake.

"Now as you can see, there have been a few more minor changes in the organization structure." Brandon continued on with the presentation. "Jake, you'll still head up our marketing department--with all proposals funneled through me. I, of course, will have final approval or veto on any projects."

Melanie looked over at Jake for any acknowledgement--even anger. But there was no response. His face showed no emotion and his green eyes had turned a dark gray.

Brandon had reached the end of the presentation. "I'm sure we're all looking forward to implementing these exciting changes. Everyone have a wonderful day!" He smiled as the team began to get up from the conference room.

Jake jumped out of his chair and disappeared out the door before Melanie had a chance to stop him.

Tiffany smoothed down her already perfectly straight hair and gave Melanie a phony smile as she shut her laptop. "Great news about your promotion." She started out the door.

She's probably going after Jake to comfort him.

"Melanie," Brandon touched her arm lightly, "My office in ten. I need a quick bio-break. We have a lot to talk about."

"Ok." Melanie looked up at him. His brown eyes twinkled with excitement highlighting the specs of gold.

How can I disappoint him?

"See you in your office." She ran out of the conference room and headed down the hall to talk to Jake. There was no sign of him and his bike was gone from the corner of his office.

At the front desk, Tiffany was back on the switchboard.

"Are you taking over for Hailey," Melanie demanded.

"No," Tiffany scoffed. "I'm much too valuable to Brandon to run the front desk. This is only temporary until her replacement is hired."

"Have you seen Jake?"

"Yes. He seemed very upset. He's taking some personal time off this afternoon...something about needing to think a few things over." She smirked.

"Did he say where he was going?"

"He may have." She looked up at the ceiling. "Oh, I just can't remember exactly. It's so hard to hear with the switchboard blaring."

She's lying.

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