Chapter 10

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When Brandon finally lifted his head, Melanie's lips were still tingling from the kiss and her head was reeling. For a moment, she forgot where or who she was.

"Like I said," Brandon said in a low voice. "I had a very pleasant evening."

Melanie stared up at him dumbfounded.

For God's sake, say something!

"Um...I had a super time too!"

I meant say something intelligent!

"I mean...I really enjoyed your company. Thanks again for dinner." She smiled up at him.

"I'll stay here until you're safely inside." He brushed his fingers lightly over her cheek.

It took all her energy to pull away from him. "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." She put the key in the door. As the door opened, she looked back over her shoulder at Brandon Dawson.

He kissed her--not Tiffany or some other fabulously attractive woman.

Closing the door, she turned her cell back on. The memory of Jake came flooding back in the form of half a dozen texts. They started out with "what the hell" and "seriously Brandum" and got increasingly hard to read as she suspected Jake's alcohol level rose.

She turned her phone off--not wanting Jake's comments to ruin her evening. She would talk to him tomorrow, maybe go for coffee. She'd convince him he was wrong about Brandon.

Wait, she thought, wasn't he suppose to be on a date with Tiffany? Why was he texting her? It was almost nine o'clock. Jake should be turning on the charm full-force right now. He and Tiffany were probably enjoying a night cap as he sealed the deal. Melanie imagined them in bed together. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

The Tiffany bobblehead popped up above the second floor landing. Her hair was tousled in an I just had sex look. "OMG, he's so good in bed! You really should try it sometime. I can't believe you've been friends for so long and never hooked up. But wait," she laughed, "you're you and not me."

"I wonder," Melanie responded, "why was Jake texting me all night when he was supposively having this great sex with you? Did he have the phone next to him on the bed and texted in between foreplay and the final deed?"

She glared at her and disappeared with a loud pop.

Princess was waiting when she opened the door. She scooped her up and nuzzled her soft fur. "I'm so sorry sweetie for ignoring you earlier. I had an important date to get ready for." She gave her a big hug that prompted Princess to make a loud irritated meow in protest.

"We're going to celebrate tonight." She dropped Princess on the recliner and kicked off her pumps. Princess jumped off and hid under the sofa--in case any more hugs were in her future.

In the kitchen, Melanie put on the kettle for tea and grabbed a can of the Fancy Feast cat food she kept for special occasions--like Princesses birthday or Christmas. When Princess realized she was getting her favorite treat, she was once again Melanie's best friend. She purred and rubbed up against her legs while she opened the can.

After pouring the Fancy Feast into the silver bowl, Melanie headed to the bedroom and put on her pink flannel pants with a gray tank top. She hung her new dress carefully in the closet and made a mental note to drop it at the cleaners.

The kettle whistled from the kitchen. She was too stuffed from the chicken linguine and cannoli to eat another bite but poured herself hot tea and honey with a small drop of brandy. She lit a few candles around the living room and turned off the lights. Princess had finished eating and purred contently as they both settled into the recliner.

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