Chapter 6

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Melanie woke up and pinched herself.  She wasn't dreaming--she was still in first class.  The other passengers were starting to stir and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the cabin. 

Tiffany emerged from her recliner like a zombie from the grave in a B horror movie.  Her sleek ponytail now stuck out in all directions, like she had put her finger in a light socket.  She pulled off her pink eye mask to reveal bloodshot eyes and a puffy face.  Melanie started to think maybe she really did need that Evian facial water spray and should have put up a better fight to keep it. 

Tiffany pushed the service button several times impatiently.  "Coffee.  I need coffee!"

Brandon sat up.  He looked as perfect as he did when he went to sleep.  Melanie didn't see a hair out of place.  

What would it be like to wake up next to him every morning?

"Morning ladies," he greeted them with a brilliant smile.

Tiffany mumbled something.

"Good morning," Melanie replied.  She grabbed her purse and excused herself to go to the bathroom.  Unlike the bathroom in economy, this one was clean, smelled pleasant, and had plenty of toilet paper.  She pulled her hair up in a ballet bun, brushed her teeth, and put on a dab of pink lip gloss.   She didn't look half-bad.  First class agreed with her, she thought.

When she got back to her seat, the flight attendant was serving coffee and mimosas.  Melanie grabbed a coffee with cream.  It was way too early for alcohol.  As she glanced over at Brandon, a warm feeling came over her when she remembered how his hand had lingered on hers last night.  

What did he mean last night when he said, "I predict great things for us?"

Tiffany grabbed a black coffee and a mimosa.  She double fisted her drinks--gulping coffee with one hand and a sip of mimosa with the other.  Melanie almost wished she had the Evian facial water spray as this Tiffany was scarier than the bobblehead version.  

Brandon ordered an herbal tea with stevia.  The attendants were now bringing around fresh fruit and yogurt as a prelude to the elaborate breakfast that would soon be served. 

The coffee and mimosa were starting to help Tiffany as the color was coming back into her face.   She got up and announced, "I'm going to the little girl's room to freshen up." 

Once she left, Brandon looked over at Melanie.  "Did you sleep well last night?"  He took a sip of tea.

Yes, it was much better waking up next to you, Mr. Hershey, instead of the masked man.  

"Uh...great," she said instead.

"Maybe next time, I'll smuggle a bottle of that water spray in myself," Brandon said as he motioned towards Tiffany who was headed to the bathroom.  "I hope she's got something in that giant bag that will help."   

Melanie let out a laugh.  "I hope so too.  We don't want to scare the flight attendants away before we get breakfast."

Brandon put on his very expensive looking watch and checked the time. 

"When will we...uh...get into San Francisco again?  I'm so confused with the time difference and all.  What day is it?" 

"If I calculate the change when we cross the International Date Line, the hour difference, and the direction of the moon," he winked.  "We should get into Frisco sometime this afternoon."

Melanie cringed.  No self-respecting San Francisco local called the city Frisco.  

Maybe he didn't know any better. 

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