Chapter 11

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Jake stared at her in silence.

Melanie fidgeted uncomfortably under his glare and braced for the unavoidable confrontation.

Instead of saying anything, he suddenly burst out laughing.  "Mel, you're not seriously thinking of sleeping with Brandum?"  He shook his head in disbelief.

"Um...I don't know what I'm going to do.  It's not like I'm planning it or never know."  

"Wait, I can picture it now."  Jake faked a dreamy look on his face like he was a thirteen-year-old girl at a Jonas Brothers concert.  "He takes you back to his place...probably the top floor penthouse."

Melanie started to protest, but the waitress interrupted Jake with their order.  The smell of garlic fries made her stomach grumble.  He ordered another beer and put the fries in the middle of the table to share.

"Um...where was I?"  He had a twinkle in his green eyes as he popped a garlic fry in his mouth.  "Oh right, you were at Brandum's pad."  He took a swig of beer to wash down the fry.  "You're sitting on the couch...probably made from the hide of some extinct animal he shot on an exclusive hunting safari.  He pours you both a nightcap of brandy or port—there's definitely no beer at Brandum's pad."

She opened her mouth to stop him from going any further.

"Now, hang on Mel," Jake tilted his head so his shaggy brown hair covered one eye.  He looked like a classic California surfer without a care in the world.  "I'm just getting to the good part."

"You engage in deep conversation about Brandum's poor life growing up as a misunderstood little rich boy.  He whispers something seductive to you in French or Italian."

The Italian reference made her wince.  She dug into the fries knowing it was useless to try and interrupt him at this point.  She would have to wait until he was finished to protest.

" move into Brandum's bedroom.  He lays you down on the bed and leans over to pick up the process flowchart from the bedside table.  Unfolding it romantically on the bed, he proceeds to the box titled, Fondle Left Breast."  He laughed so hard Melanie thought he would choke on his fry.

"You're such an ass."  She punched him in the arm.

Jake continued, "Then, after the suggested three minutes, he goes on to the box titled, Move to Right Breast."

"Stop it!"  Melanie had to admit it was pretty funny, but she didn't want Jake to see her laugh.  She picked up her hamburger and munched on it to prevent a giggle from escaping.    

"I don't think I'm that far off Mel."  Jake looked at her solemnly.  "I have a bad feeling about him."

"Well, I think you're over reacting."  Melanie realized Jake would never give Brandon a chance unless he got to know him.  "Maybe if you got to know him I was saying before," she hesitated.  "What if we went on a double-date?  You and Tiffany and me and Brandon."

This time he did choke on his fry.  Melanie thought she might have to give him the Heimlich maneuver.   "Jesus Mel, are you trying to kill me?" He said between gasps of breath.

"Why is it so funny?" She demanded as her cheeks started to burn.

"Really Mel?  You think a double-date is a good idea?  I could just see the four of us on a date?  Maybe we could even start our own reality show and move in together too.  I know...we could switch off who sleeps with who...take turns.  Just to keep the viewers interested."

The though of sleeping with Jake, when it was her turn of course, gave her a sudden case of butterflies deep in her belly.  She shook it off.

"Can't you just be serious for a minute?"  She pleaded.  

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