Chapter 1

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" Natasha!!! Drive faster we are going to be late!!!" Laurel screamed as she was just as excited as I was. It the day of the concert and traffic was really bad. So I have been doing some wicked crazy lady driving all day. Laurel and I were two crazy nineteen year olds, physically we were both nineteen but most of the time we acted like we were ten.
By the time we pulled into the stadium it was packed. We grabbed the parking space reserved for our tickets and snuck around to the VIP entrance we were greeted by Paul One directions personal security guard. He led us through a bunch of hallways making an uncountable number of turns. Then we ran into Niall who had a tooth brush in his mouth. He waved and gestured for us to follow. Paul shrugged and disappeared down the hallway. I looked over at Laurel who was smiling just as much as me. We both practiced not fan girling so that we had better chances at making friends. Niall walked into what must have been his dressing room. He disappeared for about 40 seconds  and returned with no toothbrush.
" Early I see. Smart though no one else has thought of coming early before. And wow I think you two are the first to have not fan girled yet!" Niall said marveling at us in his Irish accent.
" we don't plan to fan girl though it is extremely tempting" I reply. He smiled.
" well it should be difficult as long as your in my presence but it won't be that hard if it's only Louis around you know how he is." we all laughed at that one. " Here lets see if we can find the rest of the boys!" He waved his hand and we followed him through the maze of twisting hallways. While we walked Niall asked us some simple questions like our age where we were from and all that.

"How do you not get lost around here?" Laurel asked.

"I do." Niall replied quickly. " That's why its taking so long to find the boys I made a wrong turn some where" Laurel and I laughed. But we did find where the other boys were waiting for Niall near the stage, though we wouldn't have if it weren't for Louis.

"NIALL!!! Where do you think your going? Kidnaping two defenceless fans like that how could you!"  Louis was yelling at Niall who quickly turned around us following. Unexpectedly Laurel piped up.

"We are not defenceless fans thank you very much! " She sent a glare at Louis. And I had to cover my mouth in order to not burst out laughing at Laurels comment.

"Feisty one there!" Louis warned the other boys who were also trying to keep from laughing.

"Would you mind introducing yourselves before Louis scares you off?" Harry asked.

"I'm Natasha Walters" I said shaking each of their hands.

"And I'm Laurel Gibson" Laurel continued and shuck their hands as well. After a moment Zayn started looking at us really weird.

"They're not fan-girling!!!" He exclaimed. The other boys except for Niall let out a loud gasp. Then Liam pointed a finger and gave me a mysterious look and questioned me:

"Are you a fan?"

"Do you think we'd be here if we weren't?! of course were fans!!!"

"They don't want to fan girl for some reason." Niall explained with a shrug.

"Why not?" Louis asked.

"Because I'm sure your tired of having people scream in your face all the time? So appreciate it!" Laurel replied in a snarky tone.

"Hmm, well thanks then" Liam said running up to give us hugs.

"Your welcome" I replied returning the hug. And for the rest of the meet and greet we just got to know each other and only asked for one group photo as a memory. Throughout the time Harry kept on glancing at me with a sweet smile on his face. Weird was my only thought about it. The boys were actually really nice and fun to be around, it felt like I had already known them for years.

"Times up Sorry girls its time for you to leave now." Paul said stepping into the room we were all sitting in.

"Alright Paul we will send them out in a minute or so." Liam answered, and Paul nodded and left the room.

"Well I guess we have to leave now, It was absolutely amazing to meet you all though. I hope you remember us!" I spoke while getting to my feet.  Louis rose quickly and started fake crying into my shoulder.

"No! No! You can not go! You are the best company we have had before a show, don't leave me great one!" He cried between fake sobs. The boys and I laughed. I patted his back and started fake crying to, just going along with it.

"He has a point you know, your the best meet and greet company we have ever had." Liam smiled up at Laurel and I who were now both standing.

"Thanks" Laurel said softly. I could tell she was trying hard not to blush.

"We hope to see you again!" Niall and Zayn said together. Glancing at each other after so I assumed it was not planned.

"Us too!" Laurel cheered. I laughed at her tone of voice and nodded. By now the boys were standing too as they had to prepare for the show. Laurel walked through the door first and I was second last followed by Harry.

"You know I think you and Laurel are the first to not fan girl." Harry smiled at me. I smiled back. "I was wondering if um.. if.. I could.."

"Speak!" I interrupted." Sure I'm a fan and a big one at that but that doesn't mean you get special treatment.  He held out his hands in surrender laughing and then he blew out a breath.

"I was wondering if I could stay in contact with you like have your number on my phone or your text or something Cause you and Laurel are well, really nice and I haven't met a new friend that doesn't go crazy in a long time."  I froze dead in my tracks. Did Harry Styles just ask for my number? I helt my arm in front of him,

"Pinch me because I know I'm dreaming. Harry Styles wouldn't ask for a random fans phone number."

"Well Harry Styles does if he really likes you and thinks your pretty." He said and looked down and I think he blushed. Now it was really hard not to fan girl.

"Fine!" I said pulling my phone out of my purse. Harry immediately snatched it from my hands and typed in his number smiling a huge grin. I then snatched it back and stole his with it. I added myself as a contact and gave it back looking into his bright green eyes that I always found memorizing.

"Thanks" Harry said softly not breaking eye contact. His stare was so deep it was hard to break away. His eyes were just this beautiful sea of green.

"No problem" I replied breaking the stare. But I could still feel his eyes on me. I turned back and waved my hand in front of his face to snap him out of it. He shakes his head and smiles at me.

" Sorry. You and I should probably go join the others they will be wondering where we are." He starts walking forward me close behind.

"Harry?" I asked in a low voice because I didn't know if we were nearing the group. He turned and nodded encouraging me to continue. "Why did you want to keep in contact with me? This isn't a trick right?"

"No trick. I just... um well... I want to get to know you I guess like I said everyone I meet now a days is constantly fan girling and treating me like a king. Its nice to be yelled at by someone other than Louis" He stumbles over the words  and shrugged.  I laughed at the Louis comment but couldn't help blushing, though I don't think he noticed because I looked away. When I did look up he had a cheeky grin on his face. I smiled back. Harry was great. I could see us becoming close friends, same with the rest of the boys, I could see us all being friends. It was a great thought.

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