Chapter 11

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We ended up going to the fall fair considering it's in town, it was really busy but there was tons to do. The rest of the boys met us there. We had cotton candy, went on almost all the rides and did lots of really cool things. After the fair we went over to the boys place. Harry and Niall went into the kitchen to make dinner.

"Hey Natasha a you please come with me for a second?" Louis asks me. I nod my head and follow him up the stairs and into an office. Both of us take a seat.

"so what would you like?" I question a bit nervous because I have no clue whats going on. 

"i wanted to thank you." He replies casually but a tad bit serious. A side of Louis that doesn't come out very often.

"For what?" I continue asking.

"For making Harry happy." He says now smiling. And I can't help but smiling too at the mention of Harry's name.  "See there's proof!" He continues with a laugh.

"Proof of what?"

"That you love him. That's why I'm thanking you. For making Harry happy. I haven't seen him this happy in ages, in fact I don't think I ever have. He loves you Natasha I want you to know that. He seriously cares and is scared of you getting hurt. Not just like a normal boyfriend is but with you in your situation." he blows out a long breath. "Lets just leave it that way. He's worried about you."

I was shocked. Well not shocked but, at a loss of words. What do I say to that? I know? 

"I love and care about Harry too, that's why I don't want him getting all mixed up in this mess of mine, but he insists on helping. I don't want to loose another person that I love. I have already lost all me family, aunts, uncles, dad, grandparents, dog and probably my mum too because what are the chances of her being alive at this point?" The dream is flashing through my mind while I speak and tears are gathering at the brims of my eye lids.

"Your whole family?" Louis asks in a low voice obviously shocked. He holds out his arms and I gratefully accept his hug. "Why don't I get Harry, he wanted to talk to you anyways, about what I don't know. Just wait here." I nod.

Other than Harry, Louis and Niall were the closest to me of the boys. I tried blinking away the tears but they just stayed put. I sighed in defeat. The heard a gentle voice at the door.

"Natasha?" It was Harry.

"Come in." I call and soon he is rushing to me and trapping he in a bear hug. I let out a little scream followed by a giggle since he was tickling me and gave me quite the surprise. 

"Are you okay? Louis told me you guys were having a discussion that turned sad and to go find you. That's all the information I got."

"I just don't want to loose you Harry. You, Laurel and the boys are all I have left." I looked up into his eyes.

"Your not going to loose me Natasha, I love you too much to let you go." He leans in and kisses me.

"I know, I love you too." I say as I lean my head against his chest while he holds me tight. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask curiously.

"Well... I just wanted to tell you that... well you know how Niall and Laurel went to go grab coffees?" I nod. " they kind of actually went to the hospital." Harry looks down.

"WHAT!?" I retort.

"Laurel said something about having to go but that you couldn't come for some reason..."

"But Niall was allowed to go?" I protested.

 "Just et me explain, Niall had some reason why he had to go too, Laurel told me to tell you that she would explain everything when she got back." Harry describes. I relax a little after that but jump again as soon as the door bell rings. I look at Harry questioningly but he only shrugs. BUZZZZ BUZZZZ my phone lights up with a new text.

"Roses." From -R

I look up and notice that Harry is already on his way downstairs.

"Harry!"I shout. "Harry!" He comes in the room.

"What? Whats wrong? What is it?" He babbles.

"Don't let anyone answer the door!" I demand. He gives me a weird look before we both bolt down the stairs.

"Don't open the door!"I call out loud enough for anyone to hear. But of course we're to late and Liam stands at the open doorway holding a bundle of roses and a letter thats encased with a black envelope. He gives them to me and shuts the door. I hold the items in my right hand and take Harry's hand with my left. We walk into the living room where a flat screen TV sits on the weather channel.  We all sit on the sofas. I place the bouquet of roses on the coffee table and Begin to open the envelope.

While at the fair we told the rest of the boys everything that had happened a the house. We all sit in silence while I tear at the envelope. Once its open I slowly pull out the letter inside.

Dear Reader, 

R O S E S, oh how wrong you are. Sure the flower is important but not in the ways you think.Or... is it the flower? What other things could that little word mean? Or is it word? Let that be the one clue of the letter now here is some very important information...

 Do you remember your Aunt Tess, Uncle Dylan, and cousin Luke? Oh how I hated them. Gave me a great reason to steal your aunts purse and light her house on fire at night. How dreadful that none of them made it out alive! But she had all of your numbers and contact info in her phone.How else would I get your texting number? Smart of me right? Now your shocked out of your mind and all that crap, but I really don't care. Because you stole from me! You stole everything.

And I want my revenge. So I stole your mother and am holding her captive. Where?I can't tell you that. But what I can tell you is that if you don't come and get her by the end of the month. Shes dead. And the more people you tell the more I have to work with so watch out!


A loud sob escapes my lips as I turn and bury my face in Harry's chest.

"What do I do Harry?" I ask. Liam picks the letter up off the ground where I threw it and reads it out loud to the group. 

Just then the front door opens and Niall walks in followed by Laurel. I realize that Niall is holding Laurels hand. They are so cute together! But then I look up to see the sad expressions on they're faces and the scared distant look in Laurels eyes. Shes shaking. A lot. 

"What happened Laurel?" I croak.

"Its mum. Its her the body was her and... and I went to go see it. I mean her... I went to o see her. And then when we went back to Nialls car we found this. She hold up a black envelope with a red rose taped to the front. 

"Niall? Why did you let her do this?" I demand frustrated.

"Don't blame Niall... I made him take me. And I think you should read this.'She holds out the envelope to me as she sis with Niall on one of the sofas. I hand her my envelope in return .

"I got mail while you were gone too." I sigh. I open up her letter that only had two sentences.

I got daddy and if your not here by the end of the month daddy's dead. Where and who I am though, is a mystery.


"What does it mean by daddy?" I ask.

"I assume it means my birth father."

"And we only have one month to find him and my mom." I add.

"Before murders them both." Says Laurel.

"But what will this fellow do to you guys when you find him? He doesn't sound like the kind of guy to just let you come and go easy, what if something bad happens." Harry points out.

What if he kills us instead. I think to myself.



I am sooo sorry that it took me this lon to update, i have had tons of homework a busy scedual and writers block so ya. i will try and update a lot faster this time! I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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