Chapter 4

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" That's crap. It's fake it has to be. This is London for freak sakes!" Laurel started screaming out of the same rage as me. But then I realized it wasn't fake. With all the problems in the bad parts of town and all the rebellion amongst them, I see now it could take a while to clear up. But that doesn't mean I was going to drop it. But I'm not doing anything right now. I'm in way too much shock.

When I was 13 my dad had a severe heart attack and died with in a week. So my mom and I have become really close since then always looking out for each other. We have dinner every Sunday together. Laurel mom and I. Laurel is just as close to my mother as me since she was in foster care with one family until the mother ditched and the father became an alcoholic. But that same foster family lived across the street from me. So my mom and I took laurel in, that was when we were 14. Then Laurel and I moved out to our own flat that is closer to the University we attend.

I gently lay the letter on the counter where the rest of our mail lay unopened. I forget about how stupid the investigation thing is and forget about how mad I am, because it finally starts sinking in that I lost the only real family I had. Now Laurel is all I have. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I saunter my way down the blue painted hall to my bedroom. I take my blond hair out of the messy bun it was in and lie down on my mattress, my face in the pillow. I cry, I cry more than I ever have before. More than I have for any break up, more than I did when my dad died. Because mom has always been the one closest to me. And at the moment I don't care that my makeup is staining the pillow. I don't care that Laurel knocks on my door. I don't care that my phone goes off, I just cry, cry and cry until I eventually fall asleep.

I wake up half way to movement beside me, I peer over my shoulder and see Laurel slipping into bed beside me. 

" I wanted to be close to someone tonight, it's just not a good time to be alone." she mumbled as she got comfortable. I'm actually kind of glad. I look out my window to see that the sun has set and it's dark. And then drift back into sleep.

I'm the first one up in the morning, I pick up my phone and walk into the kitchen. I have some water but that's all my stomach can handle. I still feel broken and miserable from the day before. Sit down at the table with my water and turn my phone on. I see there are three texts from Harry.  

" Natasha! :)" 

" hello?" 

" are you there?" 

I just ignore them and turn off my phone all the way. But before it could completely shut downn Harry's icon pops up on the screen. He is calling me. I have to answer or else he will think I'm mad at him when I'm not. I'm just depressed. 

" Natasha! I haven't talked to you since yesterday!" He chirps into the phone happily. 

" Hi Harry" I try to hide my depression but my voice can't manage it. 

" What's wrong?" Great now I have him concerned.  

" I- I don't know if I want to talk about it- it's it's just" I stop because I'm about to break down. " Can I call you back?"  

" Sure, but are you sure you're alright?"  

" No I'm not I know I'm not, I will tell you later Okay? By Harry," And I hang Up before he can say anything else. Then I go to my contacts to dial my mothers number. I know it's pointless but I just had to make sure it wasn't a prank. But sure enough I'm taken straight to her voice mail. No prank. But hearing her voice in the recording makes my heart ache even more. I need some one to comfort me, the only friend I have that is not a heart broken wreak is Harry. So I text him my address and say " come" then I put my phone down and walk to the bathroom. I look horrible, my hair is frizzy an knotty my makeup is all over my face, but I don't care. I just wipe away some of the makeup from my cheeks and then leave because I can't look at myself without think mom. She has... had the same blond hair and the same eyes. I go to the kitchen have some more water then check on Laurel again. Still sleeping, good. 

Then I hear a knock at the door and peek around the corner and see Harry. I bolt it and throw the door open and squeeze him in a hug. I feel him tense but after a moment he wraps his arms around me. Then he pulls me back to look into my eyes. 

" Natasha, what happened?" Harry asks . I just grab his arm and bring him to the living room. 

"I'm gonna explain everything though I know I'm gonna break down crying so that's why your here. I need someone to comfort me. Laurel is the only other friend I have but she is one: sleeping two: she's just as much a wreak as me." 

" Okay I'm here for you" he says sitting beside me one arm around my shoulders. Normally I would be fighting not to fan girl but now I'm to depressed to worry about that. 

"Yesterday I went to go get groceries and the mail. The mail was all bills but one letter. From the police. Laurel and I opened it together and... mum was murdered. Just two days ago she was shot, the morning of your concert actually. But I found out yesterday." I was already crying into Harry's shirt by then but I still continued. " Now all I have is Laurel,  She was just as close to my mom as me." I then explained everything about Laurels being in foster care and my dads death, about Laurel moving in and Sunday dinner. Then I was crying too hard to control myself I just collapsed in his arms and let him comfort me, I cried into his chest and he just hugged me.  

" I'm glad you called me. You needed someone. So does Laurel. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to tell Niall to come when Laurel gets up. I can only handle one emotional wreak at a time. But you seriously have gone through too much, way to much." he hugs me tighter and I rest my head on his shoulder his arms still around me. Just then Laurel stumbles out of my room sees Harry and... 

" Jesus you could tell me about company before I walk out like this! Too late now." Laurel looks at me and tears start forming in her eyes too. 

" Time to call Niall" Harry says trying to lighten the mood.

Then ten minutes later Niall sits with Laurel in his arms, tears on her cheeks. 

" I'm sorry, I'm really sorry guys, I- I just needed someone." I blurt because I should have never dragged Harry all the way here. 

" Don't say sorry, you needed someone with you and that's what friends are for, besides we had nothing to do at the home." And then no one spoke anymore, I ended up falling a sleep in that position.

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