Chapter 2

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The concert is Amazing! The boys have only done five songs so far and they have the whole crowd going. Even the grumpy parents who were dragged along by their kids were smiling and laughing and dancing along.

After Laurel and I left the meet and greet earlier on two other fans went to see the boys yet they were screaming they're heads off and running towards them making a huge scene. On our way to the front gates where we would enter the stadium we kept talking about the boys and how amazing our visit was with them,


"What!" She replied in an artificial snappy tone.

"Um... how to say this...Should I just blurt it out?" She nodded and looked at me encougingly. I took a breath and... " Harry gave me his number." I blurted it, but only in a whisper so no other fans would hear, I cant imagine the disaster it would be if the fans heard. I would be mobbed.

"What?" She turns me around to face her. " Did You just say Harold Stings gave you his  telephone numba?" Then she lowered her toned and whispered " Code for Harry styles okay! Play along." I laughed and nodded.

"Yes yesterday a tea time Harold came out of his favourite little cozy coffee shop with tea and a donut. Now you know how He almost never NEVER! Gives anyone a shot but he gave me his number! His BUISNESS number." We both burst out laughing, No longer being able to look natural. We got a few weird looks but that's not new for us.

"Just tell me more about it later." Laurel managed to get out between laughs. I nodded and handed  my ticket to the security guard in front of me considering we were at the front of the line for getting in.

And that brings us to where we stand now during the second chores of Heart attack. The song finished and everyone cheered!

"Now a special request from one of our fans that we met today at our meet and greet our newest song!" Niall said the crowd roared. "Best song ever!"

I totally forgot about Laurels request for them to sing this song. She and I actually have both always wanted to hear it live. And damn was it amazing the was they're voices went together, how some of the boys sang back up while the others repeated the chores. To me that song has always kind of sounded well... magical. But not unicorn magical. Like WOW magical if you know what I mean. A while later the concert was over and we went back home. I guess we were considered lucky fans since we didn't have to travel more that 30 minutes to get back to our flat. Though with all the traffic I was driving like mad woman again. And it was taking forever to get home.

"Slow down lady! You're reminding me of...what's her face...Cruella Deviel off of 101 Dalmatians! I don't want to get pulled over for a ticket!" Laurel yelled as I took a sharp turn and hit the curb. She clutched tightly to the handles beside her. Thank goodness cars have them.

"oopps" I muttered back in Reply.

"Ya I think you owe me an apology!" She looked over with wide eyes.

"Hold on!" I yelled back.

"No I'm not going to wait..."

"No HOLD onto the handles!" I interrupted as she had let go while demanding an apology. She then grasped them quickly as I turned down a back ally that runs behind a few hotels but would take us to the street where we live. 32 Kriseen Avenue. We pulled in and I looked at Laurel.

"Sorry." I said it in a poppy tone and hopped out of the car. She only shook her head and followed me. I waited at the front of the car, purse in my left hand and held out my arm. She linked her wit mine and we skipped down the driveway belting out the lyrics to the song from wizard of Oz "Were off to see the wizard..." Its been a tradition since we were young. We skipped up to the front door and I pulled out my keys unlocked it and we both dropped our things and crashed. Considering we were up late the night before and didn't sleep well due to all the excitement.

I fell into a dream about the concert except a bunch of weird things that never actually happened did happen. During twitter questions a magical fruit bowl popped up in the center of the stage and all the boys began eating fruit. Louis ate a banana, Liam ate an orange, Zayn ate and apple, Harry had a pear, and Niall found a giant peach. Then the dream flashed to a scene where I was sitting on blue monkey bars that I didn't remember ever seeing before. There was a slide at one side because the monkey bars were REALLY high up and neon green stairs at the other side. I chose the slide and found out that it went all the way under ground. I was in a tunnel that was pitch black. I quickly turned to climb the slide as an escape but metal bars smashed down immediately blocking the path. I wanted to sit down and try to calm down but that only made me more anxious because I started imagining what could be on the ground. I closed my eyes even though I couldn't see more than a foot in front of face. But I still closed them and felt tears peeking through my eyelids. I hated dark confined spaces, if don't know what's around me I panic. But my breakdown was interrupted with my phone going off. The phone let off enough light for me to see I was a clear path to the table it was sitting on. Harry's face was on the front. Harry? Calling me?

I snapped a wake and looked over at my bedside table where my phone going off I picked it up and found Harry's face on the screen. I gasped.

From a Meet and greet... To an Investigation...(One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now