Chapter 9

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My jaw drops and it takes all my will not to tear this paper to shreds. I feel my face gush with anger. Anger that's filled with hatred and disgust.

" what does it say?" Harry asks gently, I don't want to talk right now so I hand him the letter so he can read it himself. Even though my intentions were to just hand it to him I end up shoving it at him quite forcefully. Harry just takes the letter in his hands and begins to read. I watch his beautiful green eyes glide back and forth along the page with every line of words. I watch his curious expression change to shocked and then from there to the same rage that I feel right now. He looks up at me.

"How are we going to tell Laurel her mum is dead?" He asks.

"I don't know, she has never met her mum so it makes no sense for her body to even be here. That's a clue for us, the... the murderer, kidnapper,  the whatever guy must not have thought of that. Unless there was a reason for her to be here..." I trail off as I enter my own thoughts. Maybe Laurels mum had a reason for being here. But what would that be? Maybe just to meet her daughter? To give Laurel answers as why her mum couldn't raise her? Laurel had always wondered that, why she was put into an orphanage at a very young age only to end up in a home with a man who couldn't keep away from alcohol. Since then she has lived with me and mum. But what if the murderer made sure to come here when Laurels mum was here? That way he could kill two birds with one stone? (murder them both at the same time making the job easier) But how would he even know she was coming?

"What does the letter mean by Kidnapper?" Harry asks snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

"Well they also mentioned murders but in a questioning madder. So maybe my mum isn't dead yet. Maybe she is just being held hostage. But she still might be dead. How else would the police department know she was dead." I pause for a moment. "we can worry about the letters details later. Right now lets use the supplies I brought, so we can take samples of the blood, see if it matches the DNA of the body. Because the murderer could have easily killed my mum her and just switched the bodies around." I hand Harry some baggies and Q-tips and toothpicks, so he can gather blood samples. "Only put one sample per baggie, you take care of the door walls and hall, I will take care of the bathroom floor and the body. Make sure you don't use your bare hands to touch anything. If your finger prints are in here then you are automatically a suspect." I explain thoroughly. Harry nods and salutes at me.

"Yes ma'am! "He adds sarcastically before taking the supplies with him to where there was a blood splatter on the floor.

I sigh and take my own little pile of supplies over to the body. I decide to start with the splatters on the floor. They obviously are already dry so I scratch the blood off with a toothpick. Then I use the Q-tip to gather the hard blood. I toss the Q-tip in the baggie and seal it. Now the body. The obvious cause of death is the bullet wound on her chest though it looks as if she put up a fight because she has bruises on her arms and a big goose egg on her head. She has scratches all over her as well, like she was attacked by a cat and used as a punching bag. I pull out the journal  brought with me and record everything Harry and I have seen. I already recorded everything from our last visit. That way i can review everything without forgetting details.

Then I take some blood from the chest wound. I also take a few other samples. One of her hair, skin and plaque. This way I can get doctor and dental records. I just have to bring them into the doctors and ask for the patients information. I will get Laurel to do that because she is the daughter, it will be a lot easier for her that for me. Hospital people wont let a random stranger have someones hospital records.

Harry and I continue for the next 20 minutes collecting samples from everywhere. Once we finish we go straight back to my place. When we enter the house I notice that  Laurel is talking to someone. Then we hear an Irish accent. Harry and I look at each other with an evil smirk. We both tip toe to the living room, still hiding behin the all so they can't see us. I peek aroun the corner an see them leaning in. As soon as they kiss I motion to Harry behind me to pop out.

"A ha!" I yell as Harry and I jump out making both Niall and Laurel Jump. 

"Natasha!" Laurel screams. "I would kill you right now, but under the circumstances I wont. Where were you? On a date?" She asks. Harry and I both immediately look down.

"What happened?" She blurts out in a worried tone. I look at Harry who just gives me a sympathetic look. We have to tell her.

"We went back... and... and we...Oh my gosh Laurel I am just so sorry!" I feel tears escape my eyes, but they aren't thick enough to blur my vision. Laurel looks at Harry expectantly. "What happened at the house! And why would you even go there!"

"Listen. Natasha really wanted to go. But in that bathroom we found... well...your mum is dead Laurel." He  stutters struggling to find the right words.

"What do you mean my mum? I have been in foster care my whole life!" Laurel protests. "Give me proof!" She adds. I walk over to my bag and pull out my journal and flip to today's entry. I already taped the letter in the journal. 

Laurel snatches it from my hands. After less than a minute her jaw drops wide open. Niall rubs her back gently and then begins reading over her shoulder.

And soon enough Harry and I are pulled into a deep conversation about what we seen and why we went, also why we went alone, how Laurels mom looked, How old the blood seemed to be. All things that we needed to know. I told them about the samples we took and that I would use my microscope to examine them. Then Laurel said she could use what I find to get a hold of different records and stuff considering she is a technology wizard. 

We had a plan forming about where our investigation would go and things everyone could to help and make it happen. There were even jobs that the other boys from one direction could help with. It all came together and by late that night and all four of us were proud. I guess you could even say I was happy. I was happy that something was finally going to happen. That we were finally going to get answers. That we were finally going to solves my mums murder. 

It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders leaving me with the giddy dizzy feeling of no longer being under pressure. It felt good. Really good in fact, to go to bed that way. If only that feeling could last all night long. But I know better. The night mares will come. Just as they have been all week long.

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