Chapter 12

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Laurel and I left for home just after dinner. I was driving,

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask without taking my eyes off the road.

"If it's along the lines of a life for a life, then ya." Laurel muttered back.

"Well its obvious that this R guy wants something, and they must have something against us. But what did we do to them?" I babble on thinking allowed. "What if they already killed my mum and What if these letters are just lewering us to them, like we are setting ourselves up for trouble."

"I don't know but it must be something big for them to take your mum, kill my mum and take what I assume is my real dad..." She trails off leaving a comfortable silence. A few minutes later we pull into the driveway nd prk the car.

"Just before I got my letter R sent me a text saying 'Roses' from R-"

"What does R even stand for? Randy? Ruby? Richard? Riley? Rebecca? Roses?" Laurel interrupts emphasizing the last word. 

"I don't know! I don't know anything! Why was your mum at my mums house and why is one of them dead and the other either being held hostage or maybe even dead already too? Why  did R kill my aunt,uncle and cousin? Why did R send up letters? Why do I have to get mixed up in everything? Why can't the police investigate? Because this is getting stupid! I don't feel safe anymore! Who is even on my side? How the heck did R know what we were thinking? Just...gah!" I feel tears of fear and stress creep out onto my cheek. The house then seems eerily quiet as I hold my breath waiting Laurels reply and she just watches me.

"I have just as many questions as you if not more. Not to mention we have uni to attend to as well."

"I know that! But why? Seriously! How does R know everything? Do the police even know about this? Or was that damn letter forged? What if R was able to do that? Think of ow naive we have been to think tat everything e is saying is true! What if every single word in both letters and text is lies!" I feel the tears quicken and soon there is a constant stream flowing down my cheeks. "This is hopeless Laurel! R could be all way around the world and we wouldn't even know it! e could be our neighbour for freak sake's!" I say enraged by the numerous possibilities of where R could be hidden.

"Natasha?" Laurel whispers.

"What?" I hiss snapping my head around to see her staring at old picture of me, my mum and her all together and happy.

"You know that dream you had?" Se asks and I nod. "Remember my old place? We have to go there," She states almost emotionless.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"Don't you remember the roses?"  

"No.." I start to say but I'm interrupted with Laurels yawn that soon becomes contagious. "Explain in the morning I need sleep." I walk to my room and instantly fall into a nightmare.

I'm walking along a a long skinny fallen log. I'm wearing a white dress with a rose pin, my hair is curled and make up perfect. The wind is gentle and pushes my curls off to the left just enough for them to be out of my face. Wen I finally reach the end of the log the sun is at a setting point. The sky is pink with golden tendrils of sun piercing through the clouds that appear to be purple in the evening light. I'm in some sort of forest.

I walk trough the tall pine trees that smell like Christmas and into a small clearing. There is a soft and thin coat of snow dusting the ground. Just enough for the ground to be white, dead yellow grass and rotten brown vegetation shows through  the coat. Then I hear a high pitched scream followed by sounds of struggle. In my dream its like I'm not me, I'm watching myself. 

I don't make any move towards the sound of pain and despair. I Just lay on the cold ground and close my eyes. Wen they open I'm in my old house where I seen the ghosts in my last night mare. Mother ghost and grandma Felicity ghosts are there. I'm lying down with my head in mums lap as she stokes the side of my cheek. 

"I'm sorry, but you can't help" Says mother.

I snap awake to the sounds of screaming. Real screaming. It takes me a moment to recognize the screams as Laurels. I bolt out of my room straight to hers, her sheets are all twisted and flipped, mainly hanging off the bed. I run ten to the kitchen and look around. i look out the window and see a Car wit tinted windows pulling out fast. The front windshield isn't tinted so I get a quick glance at the driver, in a black mask.

Laurel is gone. leaving me as the last one standing.  



So that's that chapter! Now in the next chapter I'm going to start switching point of views because of everything that's happening!  And I am also really sorry for having a short chapter, I'm writing too many stories at once! I'm only posting 2/4 right now. By the way my H key on my laptop is acting up so if there are random places in this chapter where there should be an  H that's why.

Please comment and give me some feedback it will really help me with improving this story and the others that I'm writing!


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