Jason meets faith.

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"ASHLEE!" Jason ran through my bedroom door. I was laying down, reading a book. "What happened?" I asked. "There's a girl outside!" I didn't understand the problem. "Okay, and? Are you scared of girls now?" Jason looked like he wanted to slap me in the face. "No!" He yelled. "She kissed me! It was one of those girls at the library, when I first met you, I swear! Please don't be mad, it wasn't my fault! She said she knew who I was and she knew you and she kissed me! Right on my hand!" At this point, I was wondering who even dared to go near Jason. But I still didn't understand what was so bad about getting a kiss- on the hand. I decided to go into sarcastic mode. I pulled off the covers, set my book down, and came over to him. I took the hand he said he had been kissed on. "Oh, my poor baby," I said. "You've gotten a kiss on your hand! I fully understand why you rushed up here, yelled my name, and burst through my door." Jason really wanted to slap me. I could tell. "Just get down here!!" He yelled while running downstairs. "FAST!" I walked downstairs and went outside. Right there, now holding his hand was Faith. Now, faith is a nice name. You'd expect for her to be nice too, right? Wrong. Faith is a spawn of the devil. "Hi, Faith." I said. "Hey, Ashlee!" "Look at this beautiful boy I found outside your house!" She said. I was expressionless. I looked at Jason. He was terrified. I probably would be too if faith was touching me with her clammy hands. I decided to rub it in her face (just a bit) that I had a hotter boyfriend then she ever would. (at least in my opinion, and everyone else's, including hers, he was hot.) "You're making him uncomfortable," I said, still expressionless. "How would you know, did he tell you?" She must not have seen him run at what I assumed was full speed into my house and slam the door, because that's what I heard. She must have also not seen him rush out of the front door. "Just let go of him," I said. "I don't have to, and you should go back inside your stupid house and leave us alone." Faith must have been extremely dunce, or have had some sort of mental problem, because I still couldn't understand the fact that she didn't see him burst inside and outside my front door. "Come here, Jason." I said sweetly. He pulled away from her and rushed over to me. He was very much freaked out by faith. She had pale white skin, big frog eyes, and hair that was almost white that she wore in two long braids. She looked like a sick bird. When Jason rushed over to me, she was shocked. "Ashlee, you have a brother?" She said stupidly. "No, faith, I have a boyfriend." I was still expressionless until Jason sheepishly added: "and I love her." I hugged his arm. "Could you leave now? Thanks faith!" I said in the best impression of her I could do. "You have a boyfriend?  He's your boyfriend? How?" She was shocked. "He's so beautiful!" I was tempted to say 'unlike someone I know' but I held myself back. Finally faith walked off, stunned. Jason and I walked back inside. We went back upstairs, and we both got into my bed. I went back to reading my book, and Jason fell asleep on my stomach. Eventually, I got tired too, and put my book down. I thought about the times before I met Jason, and how my life was then compared to how it was now. He talks in his sleep, and he kept on saying my name. Every time he did that, I thought he was awake. Finally, before I got to fall asleep, Jason woke up. Immediately I asked him: "what did you dream about?" He didn't reply. "Jason, what did you dream about?" I asked again. He just kept looking at my eyes. "Why are you staring at my eyes!?! What did you dream about?" He still didn't reply. "Jason, could you please stop staring at my eyes and tell me what you-" he was crying. I didn't understand. Was it because I started yelling at him? He started crying horribly. It was horrible, sad, sadder that sad crying. He pulled me close to him and gave me the tightest hug he ever gave me. I hugged him too, and patted his back. "Want to talk about it?" I asked him. "Sure, Just promise me one thing. don't ever leave me."

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