She's my angel.

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*This part of the story is from Jason's pov.*
She ran away from me. I kept calling her name and she wouldn't come back. It was just like my dream. Even though I ran after her, she wouldn't come back. What did I do? What had I done to her? I finally gave up. She wasn't going to come back. I walked back inside. I kicked the recycling bin, and it was knocked over. I went through the door, and I didn't close it. I went upstairs into Ashlee's room and locked the door. "I can't stay here," I said to myself. I took two marbles from a jar in Ashlee's room. I set them on the bed. I took a small foldable blade from under Ashlee's bed. This was the blade I had used many times before to cut my victims when I was forced to take them. I sat on the bed, and then it hit me. I had made the scars on Ashlee's arms. It was me. That's what I did wrong. Every night when we went to sleep, I would count those scars and remember that she still loved me, even though I had caused her so much pain. She would always call me an angel. I smiled. Only her voice could calm me. I smiled again. I could feel my face getting red. She was beautiful, but she couldn't really love me. I never told her about my past, way before I was turned into.. A monster. I lived with my mother. I never knew my father. She would always call me stupid, or worthless, or tell me that I was a mistake. A single tear rolled down my face. When I met Ashlee, I could tell she was the only one who would accept me. Kayla had never really accepted me for who I was. She only liked me because she thought I made her look good. That's all there was too it. But when I saw her and she jumped into my arms, I felt like maybe there was a chance of her accepting me. She only 'loves' me for my body. She doesn't care about my personality. Ashlee cares. She helps me, she hugs me, she listens to me. She's like the mother I never had. But I love her more than that. I brought my attention back to the blade, stained with blood and a bit bent. I Wiped the blade off with my shirt. There were 23 scars on Ashlee's arms, all together. 16 on one, seven on the other. Had counted them enough times to remember. And then I began to cut my arm. I winced in pain as the blade went through my skin. I started to bleed. I didn't care. Another cut, another, another, another. I sliced my now blood red skin with the stained blade. Only seven more, I said to myself. Then Ashlee knocked on the door. "Jason?" She said. Her voice was like a sweet melody, and I was starting to calm down. I couldn't stop cutting my skin. We had to be equal. Another cut on my other arm. "Jason, please open the door!" I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. I started to cry. I couldn't hold back my tears. One of the marbles rolled off the bed and hit the floor. "Jason? I hear you!" She said. I counted all 23 cuts on my arms, bleeding and red. I came to the door. I started crying harder as I got closer to her. I knew she wouldn't like what I did, but I had to make us equal to show her, I really loved her. "You left me, Ashlee." I said to her through the door. "It was just like my dream. You promised you'd never leave me." "Jason, I'm sorry!" She said. I couldn't let her in. I couldn't let her see me like this. "I kept yelling your name and you wouldn't come back. I'm sorry." I couldn't do this anymore. I had to end it. I couldn't stay here forever. My heart was broken. I didn't know why she ran away from me at the time. "Jason! There isn't anything to be sorry about!" Her voice was shaky. I dropped the knife on the carpet. Another marble rolled of the bed. "Jason, what are you doing?" She sounded worried. Should I let her in? Finally, I said: "I'm sorry, Ashlee. I can't stay here." She was trying to unlock the door. I could hear her crying. It was me making her feel this way. I opened the window. If I jumped out, I would probably be hurt very badly. Is this what I wanted? I thought. Is this what Ashlee would want? Wouldn't she be happier without me here? The door swung open. I turned around. She had picked the lock with... A pen. Her jaw dropped. There was blood all over the floor. The knife was there on her carpet. The two marbles were on the floor. She stood there for a minute. I was so close to escaping. I could jump out the window right now if I wanted. And I did want to, but Ashlee was right there. I couldn't do this in front of her. I couldn't bring myself to do it. "J-Jason.." She said. Tears were rolling down both of our faces. She looked up at me, bleeding, crying. "Jason...." She said again. She was stunned. She could only say my name. I had done it again. I had made someone cry. I couldn't stand this. I had to jump out of this window right now. But then, Ashlee spoke. Her voice calmed me when I didn't want to be calmed. When I just wanted to cry, and cry. But it still made me feel better. "Baby," she said. "I'm so sorry.." She dropped the pen that was in her hand. Even through her tears, she was beautiful. She was like a diamond. She was beautiful on the inside, and on the outside. She slowly walked over to me. She was hysterical. Her now long black hair was in her face. She hadn't noticed the cuts on my arms. She looked all over for what was wrong. Where the blood was coming from. I reached over to her face, and wiped her beautiful silk like hair out of her face. She was usually pale, but now she was red. All this crying. Was it because of me? She now noticed the cuts in my arms. She took two steps back. She was shaking her head. No, no, no. I walked up to her. "It's okay, Ashlee. I'm fine," I lied. She saw right through me. It's like her eyes  could see through my lies, through my soul, into my heart. "You aren't fine," she said. "All those scars are from me," I said. "I did this to myself for you." She walked towards me until she was pressing against my body. She looked up. She hugged me. I hated when she did that. I couldn't stand the feeling I got inside of my heart. Her eyes were golden brown, like a beautiful lake that the sun was shining on. They were bright, yet the white of her eyes were red. I hated when she did this to me. She made me feel human. I knew I wasn't. I still wasn't. Everywhere I went, people said i was beautiful, but it wasn't true. All these people were just looking at the surface. Deep down inside, I wasn't kind. I was only kind to Ashlee and Kayla. I thought about how many times Ashlee had told me my heart was pure. I didn't believe her. I couldn't believe her right now. I was hugging Ashlee back. I couldn't help it. She was a bit shorter than me, and her face was against my chest. She was looking up at me still, and I couldn't help but look at her eyes. They were so beautiful. She was beautiful. I picked her up. She wrapped her legs around me and leaned on my shoulder. "Jason, you didn't have to do all that for me. I love these scars," she said. "Every time I look at them, I remember that no matter what happens, you'll always be a part of me." I held her very close to me. She was my angel. She was my little angel that I had been blessed with for some reason, and I was making her cry. "Ashlee, please don't cry." I said, trying to calm her down like she did to me. I lifted her head up to face me. I looked straight into her eyes. "I'm sorry," I said. "I'm sorry," she said. "I need you with me Ashlee." I was starting to cry again. "I need you too," she said. "You're my angel." We both said at the same time. She smiled her beautiful smile, and I held her there, with my cut up arms, in the middle of a bloody floor.

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