Jason has a secret.

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Kayla called right after I had calmed Jason down. Perfect timing, I thought. I answered the phone and told Jason it was Kayla. I don't think he wanted to talk to anyone. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, Ashlee, is Jason there? I need to talk to him." She sounded less cheery than usual. "Jason... Is sleeping." I said. I looked at him and he was under the covers and still sniffling. "Yeah, he's sleeping and he can't talk to you." I could hear Kayla breathing on the line. "He's sleeping, okay. Tell him I said hi." "Will do!" I said, being more cheery than I should have been. We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I went back over to Jason. I sat next to him on the bed, and he took the covers off of himself. "Is she gone?" He said. "Yeah, she's gone." I replied. He put the sheets back over his head. "I'm going to sleep," he said. "Goodnight then, I love you." I said. "Love you too," he said in a raspy voice. He went to sleep, and I went to the park without him. I walked downstairs as softly as possible, trying not to wake Jason up. I opened the door, closed it, and walked to the community park. The park was still a mess from the Valentine's Day party. I decided I might as well help clean up if I was going to stay here. I picked up a few bottles of soda and put them in the nearest trash can. I immediately remembered that there was a recycling bin next to my house, and took all the recyclable things I could fit in my hands over back to my place. I opened the recycling bin by my house and dumped them in. I decided while I was there that I had done my good deed of the day and went back inside. I walked upstairs softly again, and opened the door to my room as quietly as possible. Jason was still there in the same spot on my bed sound asleep. I walked over to the bed, carefully lifted up the covers and got under. I slept next to him for a long time, because when I woke up, it was a lot darker outside. Jason was still sleeping. I decided to go downstairs and make him some tea. He liked the caramel kind that my dad always used to drink in the mornings when he was here. Then, as I sat on the edge of my bed, I really wondered about my parents. Where could they have gone? It wasn't the fact that I had been in Jason's world for too long, because Tina and faith didn't seem to notice a thing. But then again, I thought, Tina and faith didn't really care about my well being. I heard a small grunt. I turned around to see Jason had woken up, finally. I was happy to see him awake, because I didn't like being lost in my thoughts. "Hey," Jason said through a yawn. "Hey sleepy head," I said. "Kayla said hi." I told him. "Oh, that's nice," he said. "Do you want some caramel tea?" I asked him. "I was thinking of making some." His eyes lit up. He was addicted to that drink. "Yes please!" He said. He was like a little child that had just been offered candy. I went downstairs and Jason followed me. "You could've stayed in bed, you know." He put his arm around me as he yawned. "Nah, I'd rather come down here for a while." We walked down the stairs with his arm around me, down to the kitchen. I got the kettle and filled it with water as he sat on the couch. I turned on the stove, and waited for the water to boil. I sat down on the couch next to him. "Are you feeling better?" I asked. I ran my fingers through his hair. The red haired girl was right, his hair was perfect. I couldn't believe he had been worried sick that I would leave him. I never knew anyone would ever care about me that much. "Yeah," he said. "You made me feel a lot better." I heard the high pitched noise of the kettle. "I'll be right back," I said. I took the kettle off the stove and poured the water into my favorite mug, when I got an idea. There was a sharpie on the counter, and I took it and wrote Jason next to my name. The cup now read: 'Ashlee and Jason.' I put the tea bag in the cup with a spoon and gave it to Jason. "Thanks Ashlee." He said. He put the cup on the table and noticed there was something different about the cup. "Ashlee... And Jason?" He looked up at me. "Ashlee, your heart is too big for your body," he said. I was about to reply with something witty, but I held my tongue. Jason drank the tea and he closed his eyes. We both loved this tea. The smell filled the whole room, and made me feel warm and happy inside. Or maybe it was just Jason smiling. I sat Down next to him as he set the tea back on the table. I must have felt how The two girls at the park felt right then and there. He was so perfect in every way. His hair was perfect, and his eyes were beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at him, even if I knew I would be a bit embarrassed if he saw me. I stared and stared at him, and he finally looked at me. "Ashlee, why are you staring at me?" He asked curiously. "Because I can," I replied. I was looking him up and down, wondering why he was so perfect. His face had gotten red. He looked down at his tea, then looked back up me. "Ashlee!!" He whined. "What?" I asked. "When you stare at me I get embarrassed," he said. "I dunno why.." He said sheepishly. "You'll have to get used to people staring at you if you're going to be so beautiful," I said. He put his arm around me again and kissed my forehead. He drank his tea and I sat there, with satisfaction, that he loved the tea I had just made. Then I remembered seeing my parents. Just like this, on the same couch, my father drinking his tea with his arm around my mother. Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get that," I said. I walked to the front door and looked out the peephole, even though there were two huge Windows on either side of the door. It was a habit. When I looked I saw It was.. Kayla. I opened the door and talked to her for a bit, then said I would be right back. I closed the door and went over to Jason. "Are you feeling well enough to talk to Kayla? She says she really needs to talk to you." I said.  He paused for a second, like he was thinking. "Sure," he finally said. He stood up and stretched. He walked outside and I went upstairs to get my phone. I came downstairs and sat on the couch. I heard a bang on the wall outside, but I didn't pay attention. My favorite you-tuber had just posted a new video. She talked about her trip to Alabama, and how cool it was there, and how bumpy the plane ride was. Then Jason came back inside. "Hey," I said. I saw Kayla running happily down the sidewalk. "What's she so happy about?" I asked. Jason was silent for a long time, and he sat down on the couch with me and drank the little tea that was left in his mug. He finally looked at me. "Ashlee, I have a really big secret."

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