Tough Descions

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Andrew POV
Wth did Ms.Im-so-tough got into this time... She got into a car crash. Wth am I gonna do... Visit her? Would it be awkward? Will it? I'm not sure but I feel like I must but I can't..... You know wth I'm going to.........

Andrew POV ...
I'm visiting her! I never feel like that unless it's with..... Her. I must visit her.... And that's wth I'm doing.

Abella POV

I imagined a women. All in black yet have a Heart of gold. She told me I was actually in love that I was strong enough to be alive and I must fight the darkness. I need to see the light again. There are the discouraging side kept on saying 'It's ur time to leave the world' 'you can never see the light.' And other discouraging words. I heard many familiar voices... It's like Mom's cries.Dad's sobs. Ally's cries. Cyra's uncontrollable sobs. And Andrew's worried stare? Wth is Andrew doing here?! Alison!!! I'm killing you! I feel like waking up. I feeling like opening my eyes and my
Mouth... It's like my whole world is winning the war and that's when I opened my eyes.

Cyra POV

OMG! My Abby has woken up!

'And-re--w?' Abby tried saying ANDREW? Who's he.....
And when I looked at the new kid... His face was shocked. His eyes were wide open. Haha. You should have looked at Abby's Dad's look he looked like he was gonna punch Andrew for making his daughter saying his name instead of saying 'daddy'.
'Daddy, don't punch Andy...' Abby pleaded. 'Don't want you to go to prison.' Abby said between laughters. Andy chuckled. Everyone suddenly burst into laughter.
'AND YAS! I WIN THE BET!' Ms.Anderson Yelled.
'Wth did you do mom.' Abby asked while groaning.
'I bet the nurse that took care of you that you would wake up at a day. And she said you'll die.' And we bet each other a new car!' Mom said.
Abby just sighed. And Andrew kept laughing the whole time and Ally kept on smirking. WOW WE ARE CRAZY.

Abella's POV.

Mr.A was laughing like crazy. And mommy finally said 'So,Abby,I see you found the foreign exchange student that will be living with us.' Mommy said smirking. 'WTH?!' Daddy and I said in unison.'OMG IS IT CALEB?!' I yelled! In excitement. 'El, Cat-Boy is with me remember?' Alison said sighing. 'Andrew?' I guessed sadly.
'And now that's the girl that is depressed?' Cyra teased. Wow......changing the subject. 'Ally, why did you call him to the hospital?' I sighed glaring at Alison. 'He was in charge of you Abby!' Alison whined.
'Hello, Abella! I see you woken up.' A Doctor came. She's very pretty. Like my guardian Angel.
'I'm Dr.Alexia. How are you doing.' Dr.Alexia said. 'Kind of--' I was cut off by Dr.Alexia.
'Please everyone out the door. But Abella can chose who to stay with her cause this injection might be a little painful.' Dr.Alexia said. INJECTION?! I'm freaking out! I hate needles!!!

'So Abella,who do you want to stay with you.' Dr.Alex asked. Andy was just hiding behind my father Sooo...
'Andrew!' I said while having a evil smile. He sighed. Ally and Cy and Mom was just giggling. Daddy was giving me a disapproval look. So Andrew sat next to me... Muahahaha. I got my hand cuffs I have in my bag. (Don't ask why? Well I'll tell you why! Daddy asked me to!) He shot me a disbelieving look on his face. I laughed cruelly and that's when Dr.Alex inject me with some kind of drug. That made me sleepy yet it hurts so I scream. Andrew hated seeing me in pain and now, I'm considering him my Best Friend. He may look mean but really, he cares. Aww. He's my BFF!! Yet I'm weird but he's living with me and so I must make things not awkward. I WILL be closer to him. Sadly right now the sleepiness win. Curse the drug! And I forgot to uncuff the handcuff since I made his hand stuck to mine and no one knows where the key is.... Consider it revenge! YOU GO SLEEP IN THE UNCOMFORTABLE CHAIR WHILE I SLEEP IN THE UNCOMFORTABLE BED!!! I'm evil!

Authors Note
I'm bored!! I'm happy to write but bored cuz I NEED MORE IDEAS! Should they start dating? Or wait till later... Am I crazy? Yes I am anyways Bye Uniques!


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