A Day With Stress

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Abella POV

It was night. Thinking how same Selena and Ashlynn is making me cry. I go home normal I forgot that Andrew is here so I locked the door and everything and cry my eyes out I'm thinking someone or Andy heard me cuz he knocked the door. I opened it and there he was faced with face with me. I guess it's time to let him know how weak I am.

Andrew POV

I saw Bel, crying her eyes puffy red. 'Why are you crying?' I asked. She just kept repeating 'I'm weak' all over. I mean it's true people have weaknesses but I know she is strong enough to not be like this. And it's easier to control her... I hope. 'Would you like to tell me why?' I again asked. 'Selena' was all she said. I was about to ask why but she already tell me about it. She said 'When I was 12, Ashlynn and Selena hit me, kick me, pull my hair, bully and everything. One day, Selena have a crush on Caleb, I was playing with him and she broke my arm because she said that I also have a crush on Caleb but I don't ... He was my friend and she said I'm not allowed to hang out with whoever She like. So she made me broke my arm and I fell too making it 2 accidents. She threatened me. Since then I wanted to be fake. And make sure no one know how weak I am.' She said that slowly. I was surprised when she told me I was the first person she told this to. I just pat her back and all like a real friend would do. I realized she has a far much complicated life than I and I should be more thankful. Who know a girls life is so.... Complicated? But I know, with Alison and Cyra beside her at all times, she will be save. I become so Over Protective... Somehow. I don't know if it's possible but I'm falling in love.

Abella's POV

After I told Andrew EVERYTHING, I felt save around him. I ended up falling asleep in his arms. Somehow. Don't judge me. But I felt comfortable. I felt very save.... For now... It will all end when Selena comes. Sigh.... Get ready Abby. I just remembered, Andrew was the first person who called me Bel... It's not a bad nickname but I'm pretty sure he can do better. Haha.

//Morning// 23 April 2018.

Andrew's POV

I can't believe the beautiful monster slept on me... Even of how much I want to be mad, I can't... She's just so adorable. I wished I don't have to wake her up but I must or her father will kill me. 'Bel....Wake Up!' I tried waking her up but she just said 'FIVE MORE MINUTES MOM!' She yelled waving to whoever is waking her up. 'I'm Andrew and your mom is making Bacon And Eggs toast downstairs. She quickly woke up and ran downstairs.
I can't even beat her running. She must like Bacon and Egg so much. Haha. She looks cute when she run. And I'm being so different. Usually I would ignore girls including my sister. I changed a lot. Chicago is changing me. Wow. Cool city. Anyways I should get food for myself. Before the monster finishes it. Haha.

Abella POV

I finished it first than Mr.Fancy! Hooray! Celebrate!! Mr.Fancy asked me to dress in any comfortable clothes so I wore a light pink sweater and dark blue jeans and converse. For once I'm excited to learn at home! Because, no nosy teachers and I don't have to pretend! Yay! I actually for once, have a teacher who feel like I known him FOREVER. I'm overacting.. I know. I forgot all about Selena!! I don't care all I know is she'll come back and visit when Alison and Cyra visits me so she have no reason to threaten me. And she can't make me stay away from Mr.Fancy cause he's my teacher. See aren't I a genius? Haha.

//Study Room//

Abella's POV

'Mr.Fancy! I'm ready to learn!' I said excited.! And I'm very very very very very very very EXCITED! Andy seems to be embarrassed since I'm all so excited tho I can't jump cuz my leg still hurts but it's healing very fast. Whatever did my body do, THANK YOU MYSELF! For the first time I'm so HAPPY and CHEERFUL! Maybe not pretending makes me HAPPY!

(5HoUrS later)
'Ooh! I know it's 145cm!' I answered.
'What's with you today Bel..' Mr.Fancy asked.
'Happy! Excited! Free! And I FEEL THAT IN THE BEST PERSON EVER!' I yelled.
'Well the studying is over....' Mr. Fancy said.
"Well,that feels quick! I need more education!' I said as I pointed to my brain.
'You don't wanna see Alison,Cyra and your boyfriend?' He teased.
'Caleb isn't my boyfriend and I FORGOT ALLY AND RA-RA IS VISITING!' I said with excitement but then I put a sad face remembering Selena. Then I whimpered.
'Why sad now?' Andrew asked.
I know Andrew is concerned about my feelings, unlike some jerks in the world. So I will tell him everything from now on. 'Selena' I said with sadness in my eyes.

Andrew POV

I hate seeing Bel worrying about Selena.... Alison,Cyra and Caleb may not know about the horrible things Selena done but they will know. When they see the horrible things she will do. I'll keep a close eye on her. I may sound like a creepy stalker but wth else should I do?.

Abella POV

'Alison!Cyra!Caleb!' I yelled.
'How's your day El.' Cyra said hugging me.
'Good. How's school' I asked them.
'Boring... You're lucky, you're studying at home without a nosy teacher.!' Alison complained.
'Okay... Caleb, how's you and your girlfriend,Emma?' I asked slightly teasing him.
'Emma isn't my girlfriend.' He annoyingly said.
'Sure she is.' I said rolling my eyes.
'Don't mind us, how's your day with Mr.Fancy?' Cyra asked like a gossiper.
'Ra-Ra, don't be a gossiper...' I pleaded.
'Please do tell...!' Caleb Pleaded.
'Ask Mr.Fancy himself while I go find my mom.' I said in a rush.

Andrew POV

Can I say awkward? The Three Musketeers are staring at me with full attention. The three gossiper should be a paparazzi. Being so awkward and me not wanting to tell how I feel about her, I said 'I'm gonna make some ice ...tea... Bye.' And I ran away

I went to the kitchen to find Ms.Anderson and Bel talking about Selena's Bday party today. She seemed excited but I know Bel, she feels like she wanna punch something or crumble a paper so I prepared a giant teddy bear from Alison and 10 pieces of paper. When he stormed to her room. I got the papers and Giant teddy bear and went inside her room seeing her screaming her head off. I quickly put the materials at her desk and left.

Abella's POV

Selena's BIG BIRTHDAY IS GIVING ME A Headache!!! SHE EXPECT ME TO COME DRESSED IN GREEN? WELL IM NOT GREEN IS MY LEAST FAVORITE COLOR! I saw Mr.Fancy dropping me off some paper for me to crumble and a big teddy bear to PUNCH. I'll thank him later. And I did wth I did.

Cyra POV

Ms.Anderson have told us all about Selena's party and I am excited!!! And so is Alison and Caleb. The theme is green. I'm excited to tell Andrew about it. But he said he know everything. And it's time to dress!
Author's Note
YoLo! Hi guys! I'm sorry for the Boy's POV, its not so boyish cuz I'm a girl. XD this is the longest chapter yet! I'm trying to make longer and I apologize. And thanks for Standing With me til the 11th part! Bye My Uniques!

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