Chapter 4

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Castiel meets Dean outside school once the bell rings. He hops into the passenger's seat as Dean sits in the drivers seat.

"I have to get my brother before we go anywhere. That alright?" Dean asks and Castiel nods. They drive to the middle school where a short boy with shaggy brown hair runs to the car and hops into the back seat.

"Hey Sammy." Dean says to the boy.

"It's Sam." Sam replies with a small frown. "Who is this Dean?' Sam point to Castiel.

"Sam this is Cas. Cas, this is my brother, Sam." Dean introduces and both boys shake hands.

"Nice to meet you Cas." Sam says and Cas smiles.Sam takes his hand back and gives Castiel a curious look.

"Cas doesn't talk." Dean explains to his brother. With that, they drive off to drop Sam off.


One quiet ride and one less person later, Dean and Castiel are alone as they drive out to their spot by the cliff. They arrive and sit on the same bench. Castiel takes out some paper and a pen and starts to write.

So do you want to say more about yourself?

Dean smiles as he takes the pen and paper and starts to write. He finishes and gives Castiel the paper.

Well, you know how I do swimming, of course you do. I always loved the water and was always in the water as much as I could. I didn't start to do competitive swimming until I started middle school. I was already good by taking swimming lessons from an early age, (I pretty much begged my parents to let me take them.) I ended up becoming the fastest and most skilled member on the team as I entered high school and with that lead to lots of fake friends and annoying girls. Swimming is my only escape from everything.

Castiel smiles at this and starts to write something for Dean to read.

I didn't find anything that caught my interest much when I was younger but I was always enchanted by music. I ended up taking some guitar lessons when I started middle school but I had always wanted to play the bass. I picked up a bass for the first time in my last year of middle school and I instantly fell in love. I stopped the lessons once I entered high school but I started to teach myself. I don't play as often as I should now but I really want to join some kind of band but I don't think anyone would want someone who doesn't speak.

Castiel hands this to Dean and sees the smile spread on his face.

"You'll have to play me something one day. I think you'll be awesome." Dean says and Castiel blushes at his kind words. Dean leans over and kisses his left cheek, making Castiel blush harder.

I promise to play you something. I would also love to see you in a pool.

We can go swimming another day if you want?

I can't swim.

Well then you're lucky you have me to help you.

Castiel can't stop blushing as Dean gently places his lips on his. His lips were so soft and Castiel felt as if he would melt. They part and Dean starts to place kisses down Castiel's neck.Castiel buries his face into Dean's shoulder and starts to grin. Dean's lips leave his neck and he is instantly missing them.

"I really liked that Cas." Dean says and Castiel nods in agreement. Castiel finds the paper and pen and starts to write.

I really liked that too Dean.

I would like to ask you something Cas.


Will you be my boyfriend?


Both boys were over the moon as they embrace in another passionate kiss. They part and start to walk to Dean's Impala.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your place or do you want to come to mine?" Dean asks cas as he starts the engine.

You can stay for dinner at my place if you want. Castiel asks Dean, knowing that his dad wo't be home and Gabriel won't care.

"I'll have to call Sam and tell him to cook up some noodles for dinner but sure." Dean answers as he grabs his cellphone and gives his brother a call.Once that call is over, the boys starts to head over to Castiel's house. They arrive outside his house and both boys hop out of the car and walk to the door. Castiel unlocks the door and walks in, Dean following closely behind. They walk into the kitchen to see Gabriel with a bowl full of candy.

"Hey Cassie. What is Dean Winchester doing here?" Gabriel asks his brother and Dean answers back.

"We're friends, Gabriel. Don't you like that or something?" Gabriel shakes his head as he takes a bite of some kind of sweet.

"No no, not at all. I'm just glad that Cassie found a 'friend'. Gabriel drags on the last word and smirks before leaving to his room, leaving Castiel and Dean in the kitchen alone.

"Well, that was not awkward at all." Dean says as he starts to inspect the fridge to try and find something to eat. He finds some kind of salad and instantly tosses it aside and picks up a couple of donuts. Both boys, not being very hungry, take these and head up to Castiel's room. Castiel walks to his desk and grabs a notepad and pens.He checks his phone and sees he has a message.

Impala67: Can't talk tonight, got a date :)

SilentBee: Me too. Good Luck :D

Castiel sits next to Dean, who is checking his phone, Castiel's phone goes off, showing a new message.

Impala67: Loving mine at the minute. Good luck to you too.

Castiel decides not to answer back and starts to write to Dean.

So, can you please continue with your story, I promise I will play my bass later.

"Sure Cas." Dean takes the paper and pen and starts to write. When he's done, he gives the paper back for Castiel to read.

I have never wanted to be part of the popular crowd, i just wanted to swim. I just got pulled along with the rest of the team. By the end of Freshman year, I had found out that I couldn't trust anyone and just kept to myself as much as I could. I pretended around the rest of the swim team and it stayed like that until I met you. I'm glad I met you Castiel.

Castiel pulls Dean into a slow and loving kiss. He is so glad he met Dean and has gotten to know him. Both boys start to run their hands down each others sides, pulling on their shirts. Both boys pll apart to take off their shirts and starts to kiss again. In the middle of this, the door opens. Both boys pull apart to See Gabriel at the door with a smirk on his face.

"I did say he was your 'friend' didn't I Cassie"


Hey There!

I didn't update yesterday as I had friends over. I went to see Deadpool last night. It was awesome!

Tell me what you think, sorry for any mistakes and tell your friends about my story if you really feel like it :)

Well till next time

Vic xx

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