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I didn't update this weekend as I was busy at Armageddon and I got to meet Ruth Connell! She was so nice and it was an awesome day out!

So this is the end, sadly. I'm so proud of myself to have actually finished a book. I do have an idea for another book but I don't know when or if I will post it.

I would like to thank the 3 lovely people who have voted and commented on every chapter, making me want to write more!




Thanks so much you guys!

Now, here is the epilogue


Castiel smiled as Dean walked through the door of their apartment. The last five years had been quite eventful. Both boys had finished high school, they both moved in together, Dean started an auto shop business and Castiel is on his third year of university, studying to become a music teacher.

"Hey Cas." Dean walks to Castiel on the couch and kisses his cheek.

"Hello Dea. How was your day?" Castiel asked. Castiel had been talking a lot more the past few years and very rarely uses paper and pen to communicate anymore.

"Just the usual. Sam's a natural at the front desk. I wish he would keep a permanent job there instead of preparing to head off to Stanford." Dean leaves the room and walks back in a few minutes later in fresh clothes. He grabs himself a beer and sits down on the couch, right next to Castiel and puts an arm around Castiel's shoulders.

"So, what should we watch tonight?" Dean asks Castiel and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. I just want to cuddle tonight if that's alright with you. I had a big exam today and I just want to relax." Dean nods his head and pulls Castiel into him and takes a sip of his beer.

"Thanks Dean." Castiel lies his head on Dean's lap and feels Dean play with his hair.

"So, how did you think you did in this exam?" Dean asks as he twirls a piece of hair in between his fingers.

"Pretty good I think. If I pass this, I can graduate with my degree and then get a job." Castiel smiles and sits up, much to Dean's disappointment. Castiel starts to walk to their bedroom, Dean following closely behind, clearly confused. Castiel starts to search through his bedside cabinet draw for something and pulls out a small black box. Dean realises what this means and rushes to his bedside cabinet to pull out a small blue box. They both turn to each other and stare into their own eyes.

"I wanted to ask the question." Dean says as he goes down on one knee. "I just didn't know when and then I saw you pull out the box so i had to rush to grab mine and then-" Dean was cut off with Castiel's lips on his own.

"Of course you wanted to ask. Didn't want to seem like a wimpy girl didn't you?" Castiel laughs and Dean smiles goofily.

"So. i'm guessing that's a yes?" Dean asks and Castiel answers with a kiss.

"Of course." Dean opens his box to reveal a simple gold band and Castiel opens to reveal one of a similar style. They exchange rings and walk towards their beds for a very loveful night.


"So, do you know what Sam is wanting to show us?' Castiel asks Dean as they sit in Castiel's family home. Sam had moved into Castiel's old room when he moved out to live with Dean in his house.

"No idea. I wish I did know but he made it as much as a surprise to me as he did to you." Dean answered and Sam starts to walk down the stairs towards the living room.

"Hey guys. So I have something to tell you." Sam stays standing and Gabriel walks down the stairs. He stayed in the family home as he didn't know what to do so he is just living off of Chuck's money he earns.

"More like we do." Sam and Gabriel stand next to each other and slowly start to entwine their hands. Both Dean and Castiel knew what this meant and stood up to hug their brothers.

"So, you just knew by that?" Gabriel asks his younger brother.

"It was pretty obvious. Even from the first day you met." Castiel says as he moves to give Sam a hug.

"I guess I have to thank you then Cas." Sam says as he lets go and walks over to Gabriel.

"Yea, I guess you do."


Impala67: It's happening.

SilentBee: I know! I'm so excited.

Impala67: I wish I could see you right now.

SilentBee: It's the rules, remember. :)

Impala67: Darn. Well, i'll see you later Bee :)

SilentBee: Yea, Goodbye Pie :D


Dean stands at one end of the church and Castiel stands at the other. They are both smiling at each other. Castiel starts to walk and everyone can see tears forming in both of their eyes. Castiel stands next to Dean and take both of his hands in his.

"We are gathered here today to..." Castiel zoned out and just stared into Dean's eyes. He couldn't believe that this was happening to him. He found the perfect person for him and he couldn't be happier.

"I do." He heard Dean say and was snapped back into the world.

"And do you Castiel, take Dean Winchester to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Castiel already knew his answer and he knew Dean knew what he was going to say.

"I do."

"You may now kiss your-" Dean dove in and gave Castiel a sweet kiss.

"I love you Castiel Winchester."


"Hurry up and put on your shoes. We have to go." Castiel yelled at his seven year old daughter, Grace.

"I'm coming." He heard Grace yell and saw her run down the hallway.

"C'on. We have to go." Castiel starts to walk out the door until he is swept into a kiss.

"See you later." Dean pulls away from Castiel and walks back into the kitchen as he had the late shift.

"You guys are gross." Grace says as Castiel closes the door and makes Castiel laugh.

"Yea, we are pretty gross."


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