Chapter 8

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Castiel wakes up on the day of the school fair. He smiles, realising that he is going to be performing with the band today. He has been speaking more the past two weeks but only in front of Charlie and Gabriel. A knock is heard on his door before it opens to reveal Gabriel.

"Your boyfriend is here." Gabriel says, twisting a lollipop in his fingers. " You should get up and ready if you want to get to school on time." He leaves and Castiel jumps up and gets ready. He grabs the first clothes he sees in his closet and puts them on quickly.

"He's gonna wait outside until you come out." Gabriel says as Castiel walks down the stairs.

"Ok, i'm just gonna grab an apple for breakfast." Castiel says as he grabs an apple and leaves, not forgetting to grab his pen and paper.He opens the passenger side of the Impala and hops in, kissing Dean on the cheek.

"Hey Cas. How are you?" Dean asks and Castiel starts to write down his response.

I'm great. How about you?

"Alright. Much better that you're here now." Dean smiles as he pulls out of Castiel's driveway and onto the road.

"So, your band is performing today? I will try and get out of whatever i'm meant to be doing today to come and see you perform." Castiel smiles at the gesture as they park in the school carpark. Both boys kiss each other goodbye as they walk off in separate directions.

Castiel spots Charlie and runs towards her. Charlie sees him and waves.

"Hey Cas. Come with me." Castiel follows Charlie into the silent school building and to a practice room.

"So, are you going to tell Dean today?" Charlie asks and Castiel shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe. I don't know how." Castiel mumbles but Charlie heard him almost clearly.

"Maybe you can tell him on stage in front of the school. He is going to watch you perform?" Castiel nods as soon as Charlie asks this.

"Maybe. When would I do this anyway?" Castiel asks and Charlie shrugs.

"Maybe after the last song. Just don't tell anyone it's our last song and just say it. Very loudly. Since you don't stutter when you speak anymore." Charlie smiles as they leave the room, their instruments in hand.

"Yea. Sure.Let's do that." Castiel instantly feels confidence and walks outside with Charlie to see Ash, Jo and Kevin by the stage with their instruments.

"Ok guys, Cas has something planned for the end of our last song so just keep that in mind." Charlie says and everyone nods in understanding.

"Awesome. Now, we have an hour until we go on stage so just come back here in about fifty minutes so we can prepare. Bye guys!" Everyone leaves and Castiel tries to look for Dean. He spots him by the pool, watching over younger kids in the pool.

He must be on lifeguard duty.

Dean sees Castiel and waves. He turns to the nearest person on his swim team and says something to him before coming over towards Castiel.

"Hey Cas. Is it time?" Dean asks and Castiel shakes his head. "Then why are you here?" Dean asks and Castiel pulls out some paper and a pen from his pocket.

We could spend some time together before we perform.

"Awesome idea. Let's go!" Both boys run off to booths and try out on some games. Casriel ends up winning a small stuffed panda in the ring toss and gives it to Dean. Dean loved it and gave him a kiss. Dean and Castiel bought some candyfloss and shared it while sitting by their tree on the field. Once they were finished with that, they walked towards the stage where Castel's band was waiting for him.

"Good luck Cas. I'll be watching." Dean gives Castiel a kiss before walking towards the audience.

"Ok guys, let's just have fun with this!" Charlie yells and and everyone goes onstage.

"Hey guys!" Charlie says into the mic and everyone cheers. "We don't have a band name yet so we can't introduce ourselves. We will be playing a few songs today. We hope you enjoy them." And then everyone starts to play. Castiel plays his bass and sees Dean staring at him the entire time. Once the last song was done and the applause died down, Charlie spoke up.

"Well, that was our last song today guys." Multiple people showed their disappointment. "But we have something to say before we leave, well mostly someone." Everyone cheers and Castiel instantly feels nervous but speaks up anyway.

"Dean." Castiel says and he sees Dean's eyes fill up with tears.

"I wouldn't have even have imagined a few months ago that I would be doing this. Mostly speaking but here I am. This is all because of you and I have found a need for my voice now. It is to tell you how much I love you. Everyday." Castiel can feel himself tearing up now and he sees Dean run towards the stage and climb up to pull Castiel in a huge hug.

"I love you too Castiel. I'm so proud of you." Dean says and pulls Castiel into a passionate kiss. They part and realise that everyone is cheering and they both blush.

"I honestly forgot they were here." Castiel says to Dean and Dean turns, a bit of shock in his eyes.

"I'll have to get used to yo talking now." Dean says and Castiel laughs. "You're voice is deeper than I imagined it to be. I like it." Castiel smiles at this as they walk off stage.

"I will still use my paper to write to you in class, i'll just be more talkative." Both boys laugh at this.

"I love your laugh Cas. It's beautiful." Castiel blushed and Dean kisses his left cheek. They leave the fair and hop into Dean's car. They drive back to Castiel's house and opens the door to see Sam and Gabriel watching crappy daytime tv.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" Dean asks and Sam turns around.

"Gabe called and asked if I had anything on today and if I wanted to come over." Sam says and walks towards Dean.

"So Cassie, how did toda go?" Gabriel asks Castiel as he walks to the kitchen, probably to grab more candy.

"Perfect. I did it. I told Dean." Castiel says, shocking Sam. Castiel forgot that he hadn't told Sam and his mouth was wide open in shock.

"You talked Cas." Sam says and Castiel nods.

"I know." Castiel responds and pulls Dean towards his room before anything else could be said.

"What's with the rush Cas?" Dean asks and Castiel smashes his lips to Dean's.

"Is there something wrong with wanting to make out with my boyfriend that I love?" Castiel says, mouth on Dean's and continues to kiss him, Dean kissing back. They pull apart to catch their breath.

"I'm fine with that. I Love you Castiel Novak."

"I love you too Dean Winchester."



In History now and updating :)

Only about two chapters left now :D

I'm so proud of myself. I have never actually finished a book before ever so this is a big achievement for me!


Tell me what you think :)

Till next time

Vic xx

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