Chapter 6

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In the past month, nothing else had changed much. Both boys worked on their stories for English and got to know each other even more. They both found out information about themselves they didn't even know about. They pretty much brushed off the idea that they were talking to each other on a messenger app without realising it was each other they talking to. Both Castiel and Dean were sitting in their English class before Dean spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"The school is forming a band and are hosting auditions. I think you should audition." Dean says to Castiel, giving him a reassuring look.

Really? I don't know. Castiel writes on his piece of paper he has out.

"You're amazing. I think you will get in." Dean smiles wide at Castiel, showing him that he believes that Castiel can do it.

When are auditions?

Today at lunch. I have practice so I won't be able to watch. Sorry

It's ok. I'll go.

Awesome. I wish you luck.

The bell rings and they go to their separate classes.


Lunch rolls around fast and Castiel finds himself in front of the door to the music room.

You can do this.

Castiel opens the door, only to see about three people in the room.

"Please tell me you are here for the auditions." A girl with red hair, Castiel believes her name is Charlie, asks. Castiel nods.

"Awesome! What instrument do you play?" She asks again and Castiel points to a bass.

"Perfect. Now i seriously don't believe anyone else will come so, let's hear what we sound like together and hope we can actually play. But first. We need our names. I'm Charlie"

"Ash." A boy sitting by the drums says before tapping on one of the drums lightly.

"I'm Jo." A pretty blonde girl says, sitting next to a guitar, clearly her own.

"Kevin." A boy sitting by the keyboard says.

Castiel pulls out a piece of paper and writes his name out in big letters.

"Awesome! Now, let's play. You all know Fall Out Boy?" Everyone nods. "Good, cause we're playing that." Charlie hands everyone sheets of music for their instrument and everyone picks up their instrument and start to tune them.

"1 2 3 4." Ash taps on his drumsticks before they start to play. They were actually not bad. Just not good either. The whole band needed to practice a lot more.

"Well, I believe that we will end up being pretty good, if we practice some more." Charlie says as they start to pack up as lunch was nearly over. Everyone started to leave and it left Charlie and Castiel the only ones in the room.

"Hey Cas, can I call you Cas?" Charlie asks and Castiel nods.

"Good. Your name is a mouthful. Did you know that. Anyway, you're really good. I didn't know you could play. Why don't you take music?" Charlie asks and Castiel picks up some paper to write a response.

Never felt like it.

"Well you're good. We will be having practice three times a week at lunch, Monday, Wednesday and Friday." Charlie says.

Good. Those are the days Dean has swim training. Castiel is glad he now has something to do.

Thank you Charlie. I'll see you on Monday then.

"Yea. See ya Cas." Castiel leaves the room to see Dean standing by the door, hair damp and messy.

"So, how did it go?" Dean asks and Castiel puts his thumbsup.

Awesome. Pull out some paper and tell me about it." Both boys sit down in the corridor and Castiel pulls out his paper and pen and starts to write.

Well there was only 5 of us there and we all played different instruments, which was good. We played some Fall Out Boy. I really enjoyed it. And we have practice three times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

"Good. That means I know you are not alone when i'm not there." Dean says and gives Castiel a kiss on the forehead. The bell rings at that moment and both boys stand up.

"I'll see you after school. Don't forget you're coming to mine tonight." Dean walks off in one direction as Castiel walks in the other.


Castiel meets Dean outside after school. They both hop into Dean's car and go pick up Sam. Once they reach Dean's house, Sam runs out and rushes inside just as the other two boys were about to close the doors to the Impala.

"Little rocket he is." Dean says and smiles at Castiel as they walk into the small house.

Dean and Castiel don't really do much when they go to each others houses. They sometimes do homework, sometimes watch tv, sometimes make out. Today they were watching tv, Dean lying on Castiel as Castiel plays with Dean's hair. A knock on the door leave the boys jumping off the couch. Dean mumbles something, clearly annoyed that they were interrupted. He opens the door to see Gabriel outside the door.

"Hey Dean-o." Gabriel says as he walks in.

"What are you doing here Gabriel?" Dean asks him as Gabriel walks to the kitchen, trying to find some kind of sweet.

"I was bored and knew that everyone was here. So I came over." Gabriel finds a chocolate bar and places it in his pocket.

"Well go entertain my brother, Sam. I think he will like you." Dean pushes Gabriel out of the kitchen and towards Sam's room. Dean knocks on the door and opens it to see Sam readin a book.

"Here Sammy, have a new friend. Don't let him leave until I tell you he can leave." Dean basically throws Gabriel in and closes the door. He walks back to see Castiel sitting back on the couch, the tv show they were watching before, long finished and now some dumb reality show was playing in the background. Castiel finds a small notepad and a pencil and starts to write something.

Sorry Dean. I didn't know he was going to come.

"It's alright Cas. It wasn't your fault your brother is annoyingly clingy to you." Castiel smiles at Dean's comment and stands up to hug him. They part and sit back on the couch in the positions they were in before they were interrupted by Gabriel.

"Thanks for being here Cas." Dean says. They cuddle until they hear loud footsteps and see Gabriel and Sam run into the lounge.

"Dean. Gabe is awesome. Can he come over more often?" Sam asks Dean and Dean just stares at the two boys.

"Uhhh. Sure." Dean says unsure.

"C'mon Cassie. Time to go. I know you have homework and you won't get any done with Dean-o her around." Castiel kisses Dean goodbye as he leaves the house with his brother.



In English now!


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Till next time

Vic xx

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